Satkia was born on Nar Shaddaa to a freighter pilot (Orian) and a gambler (Tesanya). She started working on mechanics from a young age and also loves flying ships, following in her father's footsteps. She was eventually discovered as a Force sensitive in her late teenage years by a Corellian Jedi exile - Natalia Sal-Koron - not long after her twin sister Sarya's death.
Throughout the years, she attained the rank of Jedi Master. For many years, she kept exploring the galaxy, first with her exile master, then on her own, following her mentor's death. Having heard about the reformed order, she sought them on Ossus to see how she could be of assistance; but eventually chose to remain a traveling Jedi, splitting her time between her chosen role of vigilante on her home world Nar Shaddaa, and wandering the galaxy.
Satkia has had an on and off relationship with Dorian Argenus for several years; but the two eventually solidified the bond they share.
Satkia is a well-rounded Jedi Master (save for healing for which she has no talent) and an excellent pilot. She specializes in the following abilities:
- All forms of ligthsaber combat (including Vaapad).
- Proficiency in single lightsaber, dual lightsabers, double-bladed lightsaber, lightwhip.
- All elemental skills (Wind, Water, Ice, Fire) with a slight preference for fire.