Ouishii Kajidic

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Ouishii Kajidic
Zann Consortium.jpg

Ouishii Kajidic
Interstellar Business
Criminal Syndicate
See Below

The Ouishii Kajidic is one of the Hutt Clans. Relatively obscure for most of Hutt history, it rose to prominence during the Clone Wars era, and under the leadership of Ambassador Wrath became one of the most prominent Hutt Clans during the Galactic Civil War and the Cold War that followed the Alliance-Imperial Treaty.

Skewed far more towards legitimate business than illegal activity under Wrath's leadership, the Ouishii Kajidic has become an amalgam of several prominent corporations (including Czerka Arms, Ubrikkian Industries, and Rothana Heavy Engineering), and groups such as the Shell Hutts and the remains of the Zann Consortium. The Kajidic strives for neutrality: not only has it secured a number of lucrative military contracts with the Alliance of Free Planets, it is also one of the participants in the New Corporate Sector initiative in the Greater Javin.

They retain polite relations with Black Sun, but have a much more adversarial relationship with The Exchange. It is suspected that the Kajidic is somehow connected with the Sarlacc shadow organisation.


For thousands of years, the Ouishii Kajidic was a relatively obscure part of the Hutt Cartel, involved in petty crime and gang activity as loyalists to one of the other kajidics. By the Clone Wars they were one of the families loyal to Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and during the Galactic Civil War one of their number, Rath Ouishii Dae, joined the Zann Consortium as one of Jabba's underlings. When Jabba betrayed Tyber Zann, Rath - who had become known as Wrath - ended his affiliation with the Desilijics, and went into business alone. His first major acquisition was Rossum Droidworks, which he purchased at a foreclosure auction in 3 BBY.

Wrath's approach to business was one of assimilation: targeting corporations in financial difficulty, and absorbing them into his existing enterprises. He became a major investor in Kalibac Industries, which owned the remnants of many Geonosian and Separatist droid corporations: and more importantly the patents for many of their products, though Imperial regulations prevented the Kajidic from producing any new battle droid units. He also acquired Czerka Arms, a producer of slugthrowers and other exotic weapons, which he bolstered with a number of small and struggling arms manufacturers. When Tyber Zann escaped from Kessel, Wrath provided access to what became the Zann Consortium Droidworks on Hypori.

The Ouishii Kajidic sided with the Zann Consortium during it's war with the Desilijic Kajidic. After the death of both Zann and Jabba in 4 ABY, Wrath exploited the opportunity to seize control of what little remained of the Consortium. Rather than continue it's illegal and paramilitary activities however, Wrath invested the Consortium's considerable finances in his businesses, rapidly expanding his empire. He did, however, adopt the Zann Consortium's symbol as the new emblem of his Kajidic, as a sign of his control. He also used the last of the Consortium's military strength to oust the Besadii Kajidic from power on Ord Vaxal, and to subjugate the Shell Hutts on Circumtore.

By the time the Alliance-Imperial Treaty was signed, the Ouishii Kajidic had extensive operations on Ord Cestus, Rodia, and Duro, and had branched into the transport industry as well, with acquisitions like TransGalMeg Industries and Uulshos Manufacturing. The biggest boon to the Ouishii Kajidic came after the Treaty however, when the newly defined "Alliance Space" cut off Kuat Drive Yards' access to two of it's subsidiaries in the Outer Rim.


Alliance Space

  • None

Imperial Space

Hutt Space

Neutral Space


Czerka Arms

Ubrikkian Industries


  • Zann Consortium - former crime syndicate, now largely dismantled and disbanded.
    • Zann Defilers - former elite troops of the Zann Consortium; now the Ouishii Kajidic's security force. Led by Avar Adamas.


Czerka Arms

Ubrikkian Industries

Cloud City

Despite Imperial occupation, Cloud City remains a hotbed for smugglers, thieves, and freedom fighters.
The Cumulus Casino is the center of Black Sun's network of criminal operations.
Galactic Empire - Black Sun - Ouishii Kajidic - The Exchange