UH-73 Choctaw
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The UH-73 Choctaw is an extremely modern utility helicopter used by several branches of the United States military, as well as by NATO forces under the command of S.H.I.E.L.D.
It uses a revolutionary ducted-fan system to generate increased lift, speed, and stability. It also posesses a much longer range than most equivalent aircraft, allowing it to be used as a long distance courier when required.
During the 1970s, Treadstone Industries was approached by the US Air Force to develop one of it's civilian helicopter designs for military applications. The result was the ARH-69 Tunica: an aircraft primarily used for reconnaissance and attack roles. Only a handful of that configuration were ordered, though the matching designation VH-69 was applied to the civil variant of the Tunica, when used by the military.
Three decades of research and development, engineers and Treadstone chose to revisit the basic Tunica design, but completely overhaul it with the latest concepts and technology. The most innovative development of the new design was a twin, ducted fan system. This allowed the new design to generate lift with a much smaller rotor profile, and also spread it over a more stable platform. Combined with an innovative new engine design the Choctaw prototype boasted an impressive range-to-fuel ratio, and while not quite capable of the same speed and range as the V-22 Osprey, it presented a more versatile and stable platform that could be potentially weaponised as an escort for the V-22.
The Choctaw was presented to the US military purely as a proof of concept, to pioneer the next generation of combat helicopters. The review board was so impressed however that they asked Treadstone to develop a small number of production craft for further trials, to enter service as the UH-73. This order was soon increased by S.H.I.E.L.D on behalf of NATO, for use as an intra-continental transport.
Out of Character
Like the Apache, Comanche, Iroquois, and a variety of other military helicopters, the UH-73 Choctaw is named after a Native American tribe. Specifically, it is named after a tribe native to Louisiana, where Treadstone Industries is based.
It's appearence is based on the SA-2 Samson from James Cameron's Avatar.