Treadstone Tower
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Asia-Pacific Operations
Applied Sciences
One of the newest buildings in Downtown Los Angeles, Treadstone Tower was built as a stepping stone to allow Treadstone Industries to expand their operations in Asia and the Pacific. It also replaced the Treadstone regional offices in Los Angeles, which had overseen operations along the West Coast.
Standing at 19 stories, the building incorporates the latest in computer systems and technology. Not only is it an extensively equipped facility for the business: it also acts as a showcase for some of Treadstone's new prototypes, to show customers how effective they can be in a real workplace.
In addition to the operational and financial offices, the Tower is also home to a number of research labs, many of which are being used by Applied Sciences for the early stages of research with their mutant volunteers. The building is also home to the company's IT and Business Process functions, and houses many of the company's network servers.
Dahlia Ericsson, the company CEO, spends most of her time at Treadstone Tower, overseeing the current international expansion. Thanks to advanced telepresence and the company's private airfield at El Toro however, she is only a private jet flight away from anywhere the business needs her to be.
The Basement
Located in a hidden sublevel underneath Treadstone Tower, The Basement serves as the hub for Treadstone's counter-terrorism activities, and for the team unofficially known as X-Force. It is outfit with an assortment of high-tech computer facilities, and has the capacity to communicate with Treadstone satellites as well as accessing computer and surveillance systems all across Los Angeles and beyond.
The Basement can only be accessed by one of two elevators. One connects into the express elevator shaft that links the CEO's office with Applied Sciences and the rooftop helipad; the other links to a concealed elevator in the Business Process offices.