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Thread: Our Last Days As Children

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    Complete Our Last Days As Children

    She'd always hovered on the far periphery during the classes spent in Abarai Loki's saber lessons. She hung back always, never volunteering as other padawans did. She always did her best to be as invisible as possible. It wasn't necessarily because she didn't want to spar, but more because she simply didn't wish to place herself in front of others. Was she afraid of rejection? No... she'd already become well acquainted with the feeling since coming here. Though, things had begun to change. Slowly, but they were changing.

    She'd been given so much to consider and think on, and the looming 'decision' that she had to make swung over her, coming closer with every pass. It was constant, and she knew that a choice would have to be made. It didn't make her any less frustrated over the notion though. She wasn't old enough to even begin thinking about resolution. To begin thinking of the rest of her life.

    Perhaps that was what brought her to the sparring ring now?

    It was not the normal time for sparring lessons, and so the area was mostly empty. A few padawans milled about, but they mostly talked among themselves and what they would've done if it'd been them in the ring. It seemed like so much standard fare, and the young Lupine ignored it all.

    She was really only here for one person, anyway.

    Though, she couldn't help a slight flushing that caused her ears to redden. Even as she didn't see him yet, the girl wasn't so sure he had ever truly forgiven her.

    Which was why she'd come with at least a small bit of insurance.

    Grasped in one hand, she held a small bag. Inside had been tucked a plastic container of thick shaak and tuber stew, a wrapped slice of garlic toast, and a small cup of freshly picked periberries. It was one of the better meals that the mess hall had put out, to be honest. It was simple and filling, and gave her at least something to try and mend fences with.

    She stood at the edge of the main sparring ring, suddenly unsure of where to go next. She bit her lip, and let out a long, low breath.
    Last edited by Teagan s'Ilancy; Apr 16th, 2015 at 12:36:13 AM.


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