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Thread: First Steps down the Long Road

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Loklorien s'Ilancy's Avatar
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    Gamertag: W4BSY Steam ID: ApexLupine

    Complete First Steps down the Long Road

    Her duties had kept her so busy. So very busy. Wherever the Alliance decided to send her, that was where she went. It was penance and so much more. The rebuilding of a once ironclad trust was something that could very well never happen in any sort of entirety, but she would do herself and the Rebellion of old a disservice if she did not at least try. Even before her fall she had been with them; despite her self-imposed exile, the Lupine had considered the Rebels her family, and now?

    They were still family, and they were still home, but there were other commitments and ties that she still felt for the Jedi. Whether they would ever allow her back she couldn't say, but at the very least she could not ignore them. She had placed in their care her children, after all.

    Her children.

    Those above her station had allowed her now a short amount of time to travel to the Jedi homeworld of Ossuss, and with a healthy amount of trepidation mixed with anticipation, the Lupine had given the order for the Kheravassio to make best speed to Ossuss.

    And now? Her personal shuttle dipped low, its' bulk held aloft as repulsorlifts kicked in and landing struts extended.

    It was mid-afternoon on Ossuss, and yet it looked as dark as night, thunderheads blotting oiut the sun and dropping a torrential downpour upon the ground. Thunder rattled the air in the distance, following after the beautiful display of lightning that set the sky afire in purple light.

    Would any be present to greet her? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Only time would tell.

    The thought of seeing her children; of taking up both Teagan and Markos into her arms overrode any other thoughts for the time being, and as the shuttle settled fully on the drenched tarmac, s'Il found herself undoing her crashwebbing as if in a daze. The pilot gave her a nod and a short, two-fingered wave, and standing, the Lupine instinctively brushed at one arm of her uniform tunic, wiping away any possible unseen specks of dust.

    "Bit wet out there, Captain."

    "Looks that way."

    The shuttle pilot moved to undo his own harness, standing quickly as he made his way to the aft portion of the small, sleek shuttle.

    "I'll escort you out."

    "Thank you, Varin."

    As the boarding ramp descended, the spray of windblown raindrops began to dot the once dry metal until it was as wet as the ground outside. Varin followed his superior as she began the short trek downward.
    Last edited by Loklorien s'Ilancy; Feb 28th, 2015 at 03:07:35 AM.


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