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Thread: Grand Illusions and Brave Exhibitions

  1. #1
    Captain Hekimi

    Open Thread Grand Illusions and Brave Exhibitions

    "Ice! We need more ice!" A quick look to the left and right confirmed that both his bartenders were positively swamped. Hekimi fluttered a little higher. Customers were three deep at the bar. If he wanted ice, he'd have to get it himself.

    The back room offered a slight respite from the noise. This was, quite possibly, the busiest the Crystal Lounge had been since opening. For the past week, he'd had his gang spreading the word, putting up posters and chatting up anyone and everyone. Alliance, Cizerack, Jedi, everyone had been informed of tonight's open mic amateur night. A crate full of ice in tow, he went back out to face the chaos. Beyond the bar, the floor was filled with extra tables, brought out of storage. Those tables, in turn, were filled with paying customers, many of whom weren't regulars.

    Dee was working as the mistress of ceremonies, and doing a damn good job of it, though the Kaminoan insisted in taking the opportunity to sing loudly (and slightly off-key) between acts. Thankfully, the patrons had consumed just the right amount of alcohol to make her still charming. He'd have to put a stop to it as the night went on though. The drunks would eventually reach the tipping point and start to get ornery and he didn't want to have to throw anyone out.

    But for now, spirits were high. The assembled crowd were presently cheering for Dyerman and Calek, a pair of Alliance dockhands who were putting on quite the acrobatics exhibition. The former was on his back, legs in the air while the latter was balanced on one leg, standing on the bottom of his partner's feet. The crowd hushed as Calek withdrew a wicked-looking blade. Hekmi recognized it as one of Ronald's. The precariously perched dockhand lifted the blade carefully and placed the hilt to his nose. For three long seconds, the blade remained vertical before he snatched it and performed a backflip.

    The cheering was so loud Hekimi was certain they could hear it in orbit. After filling the ice bins, he left for the floor, eager to see who was next to take the stage.

  2. #2
    The good Dr. Theo Phastus tossed back his head, downing the last bit of plundris from his glass. Good stuff. Damn good stuff. He idly wondered how much of the fine, golden yellow alcohol was left in stock; as far as he knew, he was the only person in the settlement who drank, or even knew about it. The bartender here certainly didn't when Phastus had first inquired about it, nor the owner of the place. Had to have it specially ordered. Expensive as hell, but well worth it.

    Perhaps it was the energy of The Crystal Lounge tonight, perhaps it was the lingering high from identifying a new species of succulent flora last week in an isolated valley to the northeast, perhaps it was the fifth glass of the aforementioned alcoholic spirit that was now being absorbed into his bloodstream. Whatever the case, as the applause for the dockworkers died down, it suddenly seemed like the best idea in the galaxy to occupy that stage.

    Dr. Theo Phastus stood from his seat. He navigated the maze of tables across the floor to the raised stage with surprising grace (both because of his size and the consumed alcohol). With aplomb, the well-dressed besalisk ascended the stairs. An audible groan came from his right. Dr. Theo Phastus, who was well-known as an arrogant, demanding, intellectual blowhard, let his gaze sweep over the crowd, demanding silence. He cleared his throat and the crowd prepared for a long-winded monologue from the man with advanced degrees in zoology and geology from some of the most prestigious centers of learning in the galaxy.

    Dr. Theo Phastus, stood silent, his chest heaving, his throat expanding and contracting in fits and starts.

    The crowd, confused, waited for the coming lecture.

    Dr. Theo Phastus let loose a belch that shook the chairs of those that sat closest to him. A belch that shook the glassware behind the bar. A belch that shook the very foundations of the building

    ...A belch to the tune of "You Make Me Supernova", a pop song that had been inescapable for the past 6 months.

    As the last echoes faded away, Dr. Theo Phastus nodded to the stunned crowd and returned to his seat.
    -- Dr. Theo Phastus --
    Advanced degrees in Zoology and Geology

  3. #3
    Captain Hekimi
    Stunned silence.

    30 seconds passed, feeling pretty much like eternity.

    "Half off all Crazy Gammorean beers for anyone who performs! Let's go, you cowards, show us what you've got!" Hekimi's voice sliced through the crowded room. Crazy Gammorean made a fine beer, but he'd ordered way too much of it and wanted it gone.

    Several of the previous acts began to make their way to the bar to claim their prize the next brave patron made their way to the stage.

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Ndonsa sat uncomfortably in her seat, looking around the packed room. "That is called talent?" she asked again of the people at her table. "And this is what, again?" She poked at the full glass they'd ordered for her.

  5. #5
    She was just as much at a loss as her furred table-mate, and Farran couldn't help the unimpressed stare to the stage.

    "I... have no idea."

    Her escort for the evening stood aloof and sentry-like at the door to the Crystal Lounge. He wasn't in the way of anyone coming or going, but he wasn't easy to miss, either. Farran didn't think too much on it. Her attentions were more focused to... whatever things seemed to constantly take place on the stage. She would've been more than happy to simply stay in her provided room, sullenly staring at the wall or ceiling (or even the floor), but she supposed that Master Davola would want her to learn all she could of the Jedi and their new home. And so she had ventured out.

    She'd come across the Crystal Lounge in her wandering, curiosity making her follow the rather constant stream of bodies that seemed to always be going inside.

    And perhaps it was the Force - or more likely it was just dumb luck - that the only open space at any of the tables in the place was right next to Ndonsa.

    But, to her surprise, the blonde found herself at just as much of a loss as the Kufu. It certainly wasn't anything that would ease her ill feelings of their recent past, but it was... well, it was something. Common ground had to be found somewhere, as Master Davola had often spoke of.

    She blinked at the glass of amber liquid that'd been set in front of her. Another moment of staring, and she looked sideways to Ndonsa.

    "Does this happen often here?"

  6. #6
    Scout Ravenwood
    Scout wasn't allowed to drink. Not at her age. But then again, she wasn't there to drink. After all, ever since she'd become a padawan, fun had been actively discouraged. Even her preference for pink (which she was, of course, entirely decked out in) was frowned upon, and if she heard one more comment about how she shouldn't be wearing heels she thought she might scream. But then she'd heard about tonight. Open mic night! Scout loved singing. She didn't have a bad voice, and it wasn't unusual for her to be hopping around her room singing in to her lightsaber hilt to the latest cheesy pop track.

    And so, she ended up on stage after the baffling turn of events that was Dr Theo singing to the entire room, and she thought she should have been nervous, but instead she was bubbling with excitement. This was so much fun!

    And so, she burst in to a full performance of 'Comm Me Maybe', the infuriatingly catchy pop song that she could sing perfectly, not least thanks to her high pitched chirpy voice being the perfect fit...

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Ndonsa's ears drooped at the noises coming from the stage, and she shook her head. "This is not usual, no." She picked up the so-called beer and sipped it. It had a taste not unfamiliar to the Kufu, like the fermented drinks her people would make, but was less sweet. She made a face, but took another sip to make sure she wasn't mistaken. No, it was not good.

    She put the drink down, and forced herself to look at the woman, Farran. "Will you ...sing as well?"

  8. #8
    Captain Hekimi
    Several in the crowd sang along with the young woman when it came to the chorus, Hekimi included. In their defense, it *was* an especially catchy tune and the alcohol had everyone in a pretty good mood. Working his way through the crowd, he caught a couple contractors make an inappropriate comment about the blonde girl on stage. Regulars, though he couldn't remember their names for the life of him.

    Hekimi flittered around the table, interposing himself between the two men. "You know boys, I'd watch my mouth if I were you. It's not shockboxing night, but I could make an exception. Maybe you could even provide a little warm up for the big show next week." He made contact with each of them in turn. "Do we have an understanding?" The glares he got back seemed to indicate they did. Satisfied, Hekimi navigated back to the bar.

    The crowd burst into applause as the girl finished her song, clapping for each other as well as her.

    Hekimi caught the ears of his bartenders. "Start watering down the drinks for some of our drunker patrons. I don't want things to get out of control. And don't be afraid to cut anyone off if you think they need it."

  9. #9
    "Will you ...sing as well?"
    With a look of near horror, Farran met Ndonsa's eyes.


    She shook her head.

    "No, none of that."

    Her gaze went back to her own glass, and slowly bringing it up, she gave it a sniff. It was a scent that she wasn't familiar with, and the blonde took a tentative sip as her eyes wandered back to the stage and the girl dressed in pink who was busy collected accolades from the crowd. She beamed at everyone, and Farran couldn't help but stare. This was not anything like what Master Davola had told her of the Jedi.

    Swallowing, she frowned as her attention immediately moved to what she'd just ingested.

    "I... "

    She bit her lower lip while slowly setting the glass back down to the table. The taste was not what she was expecting. Then again, was she expecting anything in particular?

    "I don't know about this drink."

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "It is terrible," said Ndonsa, but she tipped hers back and finished it in three large swallows.

    "I want another."

  11. #11
    Captain Hekimi
    Ever the vigilant businessman, Hekimi was at the table mere moments after the magic words were uttered. The Nehantite he recognized, one of the Jedi padawans running around the settlement; though once again, the name belonging to the face escaped him. The other woman he had never seen before.

    "How are you ladies enjoying the evening? Gathering up your courage to perform?"

  12. #12

    The word was out of her mouth even before she'd fully realized that she'd spoken it.

    An apologetic smile as she tried to smooth over her previous sharp manner.

    "I'm not really a singin' type of gal, sorry."

    At that she turned to Ndonsa, a single eyebrow raised as if daring the padfoot to grace the stage with her presence.

  13. #13
    Scout Ravenwood
    Scout was beaming a smile half a parsec wide as she came off the stage, it seemed obviously everybody had loved her performance. She couldn't be happier, truth be told. Training to be a Jedi was hard, but worthwhile. But often joyless, truth be told. But here, in the bar, she was actually popular and happy. All that time singing in the mirror had paid off. But now her time in the spotlight was over, at least for now, and she made her way over to see if anybody she recognised was present. Spotting some fellow padawans she didn't know too well, she came over and sat on a seat next to them both.

    "Wow! That was so fun!" She was still beaming a smile. "You two should totally try!"

  14. #14
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "I do not sing," Ndonsa said to the others. She was not here for singing, but for keeping an eye on the sneak. She focused on the pink one. "You did well - very loud." She didn't enjoy the song, but what counted for popular music in the galaxy was just overly loud noise to her ears. The louder the better, she assumed.

  15. #15
    Propping herself up on an elbow, Farran stared at Ndonsa with a mildly bored expression. There was no way that either would go up to belt out some off-tune song, and so there was really only one other solution. More of that beer. The blonde hadn't really liked it, but it wasn't entirely bad, either. She wondered if there was a different kind to try.

    "If you have another kind of these drinks," her empty glass was picked up, two fingers holding it by the rim and giving it a light shake, "... I'll take one."

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Ndonsa narrowed her pink eyes, studying Farran, drinking her awful drink while the sneak got a new one. "I am not surprised you have no talents," she said eventually. The Kufu got up, necklaces jangling, and stalked up to the stage.

    She stood in the middle of it, saying something that the people in the back of the room couldn't hear. "Use the microphone!" urged the blue flying one, pointing, so Ndonsa stepped forward toward the pole with a thing attached to it. "I do not sing," she said, her voice suddenly louder, and she understood the purpose of the pole.

    She straightened her back proudly, putting her mouth close to the microphone. "This is a dance for feast days." The crowd cheered, and she backed up, stomping her feet in a slow beat, eyes closed as she swung her arms back and forth on the off beat. Her tail swished back and forth, and then she leapt up into the air with a shout, arms held high. The Kufu shaman landed softly on her footpaws, stomping again, faster now, her whole body getting into it as she traveled a circle around the stage, her eyes closed except for the moments when she jumped into the air. Her movements became faster, more full of joy, her cries louder, and she clapped her paws to the beat.

    When she finished, with one final shout, Ndonsa realized the crowd was clapping with her. Her ears tinged pink, but then she stood tall and stalked back off the stage to the table where the sneak still sat. There was another drink there, waiting for her. Ndonsa grabbed it and drank it down, giving Farran a look of challenge.

  17. #17
    From over the top of her glass, Farran only gave Ndonsa a pair of raised eyebrows. Bringing her drink back down, she let the dense glass bottom tonk onto the rough-hewed wooden tabletop.

    "Oh heavens no," she got out after swallowing.

    The look she was getting right now was easy to understand, but she wasn't about to give any satisfaction.

    "I'm much more comfortable sitting right here."

    Another patron took advantage of the lull, going up to the stage and beginning another song. The crowd whistled, clapping in time to the music as it picked up in volume and pace.

    For her part, Farran continued to look at the Nehantite she shared a table with.

    Finally, she looked away.

    "You dance... good."

  18. #18
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Yes," Ndonsa agreed, picking up a drink that was sitting on the table and drinking it. After she swallowed, she considered that this was not her drink, put it down, and picked hers up.

  19. #19
    A conspiratorial grin from over the top of her own glass, and Farran masked her small snort with another sip.

    "Watch out," she half-gestured to Ndonsa's correction and the drink she'd set back down.

    "I think I saw the bartender spit in that one."

  20. #20
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Ndonsa frowned, standing up immediately. "He should not do that. I will correct him." She reached for her spear.
    Last edited by Ndonsa; Aug 16th, 2016 at 02:53:59 PM.

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