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Thread: Sanis Prent and the Urns of Korriban 1.2

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Closed Thread Sanis Prent and the Urns of Korriban 1.2

    continued from here.

    There was a snarl, and a narrowing of her eyes as she reached out with the Force.

    The blaster was wrenched from his grip to skitter across the dirt, too far away from him to reach without her already being upon him.

    Her free hand went out, clamping onto his ankle once more. She wrenched his leg violently, pulling him closer.

    "We're not done," she growled out with a wheezing breath.

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    Callomas winced with pain, and kicked the side of his grabbed boot with his injured foot, causing a hidden blade in the sole to pop forward, piercing the Lupine through the hand. He kicked back, tearing completely through the hand between the knuckles, and kicked again, driving the blade alongside her left collarbone, causing energetic spurts of blood.

    "Die well." He nodded, soothing her to the afterlife.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The shock was enough to stall her, and s'Il rocked back. Her hand was brought up to vainly stem the flow of blood from the newly opened gash along her collarbone. It was a wasted effort, and the Lupine went down on her side once more. She coughed, blood clogging her esophagus and choking back any words of protest she might have had as her eye rolled back for a few moments.

    In the throes of pain, s'Il managed another cough and only managed to expel more blood onto the ground. Her chest heaved as her body began dealing with these new injuries, and she jerked, legs kicking dust and pebbles away in their spasms.

    And yet still she drove onward. A staggering lurch upwards to her knees, she supported her upper body not by her arms, but by her forehead. All the while she spit out blood from both her mouth and the wounds he'd inflicted with his knife that'd been hidden in his boot.

    One knee was drawn up beneath her then, and the Lupine pushed upwards. It was not a movement meant to bring her to her feet - she had too little energy for that - no, it was to propel her forward. She bulled into Savoc, the curved blade in her hand glinting for only a moment as she brought it around, intending to open his neck from ear to ear.

    But her aim was skewed, and the edge missed his neck to slash along his jawbone from ear to chin.

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    Doggedly, Callomas wrenched her offending blade hand away, his body armor slick with his blood mingled with hers. There they lay, locked and immobile, bleeding together. Callomas smiled, painful as it was. He even laughed a little self-interested laugh.

    "You are a character. I will remember this fight fondly."

    A gloved hand made for the Lupine's throat, and the electrostun barbs hit below her jaw. In their embrace, both fighters took the full brunt, and as their muscles locked impossibly tight, they screamed in unison.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Such agony. It pierced her to the very core of her being, and s'Il felt her body lock with his. Even through the stench of blood and viscera she could small him; his sweat, the fabric of his clothes. Her nostrils flared as she cried out, face buried in his chest and his hand at her throat.

    It was in desperation then, that the Lupine let her body go. She shed her human facade completely to allow the change to take over; it had been a long time since she'd allowed such raw feeling to dictate her transformation.

    Even with the electricity coursing through her, s'Il pressed herself into Savoc just a little more as her bones and muscles reformed themselves into a wholly new body. Beneath her clothes white fur grew and spread - though now her once pristine coat was stained with both hers and the Imperial's lifeblood. The blaster shots in her chest marred her stark white beauty, and if one looked close enough, they could see through the opening at her collarbone - and even the horrid mess that was once her hand - and at the bones, muscle, and tissue themselves reshaping.

    In less than ten seconds the white vornskr lay atop him, her cry turned to a maddened howl. Her head lifted, moving to the left in an attempt to cut contact with the stun barbs, and opening her jaws, clamped down on Savoc's entire hand.

    Electricity fired through her head. Her teeth clenched down through muscle and bone, and the beast's neck spasmed, her entire body jerking up...

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    The skin and sinew split and pulled away, as Callomas's hand was lost to the Lupine. He cradled the stump close to him, bathed anew in blood, and then, passed out from the shock of more blood loss.

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Toppling over, the vornskr dropped Savoc's hand. She lay on her side, twitching and pulling in quick, shallow breaths.

    A violent shudder ran through her body before she once more tried to pick herself up. The Lupine's bulk was slow to rise, but rise it did. She let her split paw hang useless, bracing herself unsteadily on three legs. Blood was still seeping through the wound along her collarbone; a sign that her own body was unprepared for the extent of the damages she'd received.

    The urn...

    A stumbled step brought her closer to where the relic lay, and she crashed to the ground beside it with a whine.

    Where was Sanis? Had Layla crashed? The last she'd seen of the ship had been its' plummet from the sky. Had Cirr and Prent been able to level out? And Zem and Daani - had they gone back to Layla?

    The beast let out a mournful howl then, unable to do anything but struggle against the dusty ground as her strength finally left her. There was nothing left, and her body was shutting itself down.


  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    With the wind beneath my wings once again, I bore down on the tent. Daani busied herself with targets of opportunity along the way, hammering stormtroopers as they scrambled for cover. I eased up on the throttle and hiked the repulsors, causing the freighter to decelerate rapidly along the descent, the nose tipping skyward as an immense plume of dust was kicked up on the ground below.

    I could see the scene below, and my jawline set tight. s'Il was hurt, and badly.

    "Old Man, I need you."

    I stole a glance behind me, at Zem, and punched the gangplank. The ship rocked to the ground, and I was out of my seat in an instant, leaving the engine hot. I barely had time to snatch my gun belt off the rack along the way before yelling down the ladder to the engine room.

    "Cirr, take the stick. We're stepping out."

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    Esalis watched it all with a cold gaze.

    She had done nothing even as the Lupine tore Savoc's hand away, but the freighter's sudden reappearance and landing caused her to move finally.

    The blaster Karrnage held was taken away with a rough snatch, and the Director shoved him to the side. Unless it was ensured that the still struggling vornskr stayed down permanently, there was still a chance that she would excape. Arya had shown her the resiliance of the species, and Esalis would take no risks.

    Sighting along the blaster, she pulled back the trigger. The blue bolt hit the Lupine full on, and the animal finally went limp.

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "The next thing that gun better do is hit the ground, or you will."

    I growled out my threat with a gravel voice, behind a stony expression as my boots hit the dirt. The wind blew, and I looked at the two opposing me. The pale man seemed to shrink from my presence, but the woman had a little more backbone.

    I peeled back my dusty jacket, and the lightsaber beneath caught a glint of sunshine. I looked down at s'Ilancy, her nude humanoid figure laying bloodied and prone on the ground. Unconcious fingers clung tenuously to an object I could only surmise was one of the Korriban Urns.

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    With eyes that barely held in any sort of control by now, Esalis glared icily at the newcomer. He was but an old man; she could shoot him and be done with it. Her grasp on this situation was perhaps not all lost.

    Until she caught sight of the lightsabre he'd revealed.

    Grinding her teeth, the Director let the firearm drop to the dirt.

  12. #12
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    "I don't have the Jedi's charity."

    I strode down the gangplank, pausing at s'Il's body. I noticed my Mandalorian shell gun an arm's length away. Stooping, I lifted it from the dust, checked the chamber, and leveled it at the Director.

    "There are two of you. I have two barrels. And there's an awful lot of dirt here to bury you in."
    Last edited by Sanis Prent; May 3rd, 2007 at 09:25:39 PM.

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    "That would be an exceedingly bad idea."

    The words were clipped. If she could keep the younger one talking, that would give her soldiers enough time to regroup.

    "You are in a poor position to make demands."

  14. #14
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    "I'm in a position for all manners of desperate things, like shooting you two in cold blood. So keep your mouth shut and I might change my mind."

    I nodded to Zem, and he stepped to s'Il, scooping her limp body in his arms. Even unconcious, she seemed to still hold onto the Urn. The old Jedi shuffled her along, back up the gangplank, and I stepped carefully behind him, keeping the two Imperials in my line of sight. Already, I could see the stormtroopers recovering from the pasting Daani had given them on the way down.

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    She had lost control of the situation, and thusly lost both the Lupine and the urn.

    Hands balling into fists, R.S. Esalis committed both mens' faces to memory.

    They would learn the consequences of stealing from her.

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    We headed up the gangplank, and as I was nearly all the way up, I paused, looked back, and shot both of them square.

    I was not kidding.

    Watching them fall, I spit on the dirt below, and ducked inside, slapping the plank control as I headed up.

  17. #17
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    Tak fanG daddy smells like wine

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    Everything was happening so fast! First they were flying up, then falling; that had sorta been fun... and now they'd landed. With wide eyes she'd watched Sanis run from the bridge; was Dama ok? She'd not come back with Daani and Zem, and Tak could only guess that Sanis had landed to pick up Dama.

    And with that thought in mind, she scurried down the ladder leading out of the pilothouse.

  18. #18
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    I continued to heft s'Il inside, and was moving her to the galley when Tak ran in. I yelled at Sanis.

    "Dammit, get her out of here!"

  19. #19
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Another wild surge of adrenaline, and the Lupine's body spasmed. Her eyes opened wide as she pulled in a long, ragged breath.

    The bloodied, mangled mess that was her hand latched onto the collar of Zem's shirt, and still cradling the Urn, she clutched it tighter.

    She coughed, throwing her head back and spitting up more blood.

  20. #20
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    "C'mon Tak, let's go."

    I scooped her up around her waist before she could say otherwise, and hefted her up through the hatch to the pilothouse.

    "Cirr, let's get out of here!"

    I followed the girl up, as the ship shuddered, the engines thrumming as they accelerated us. That's when the first TIE fighter made a fly-by.

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