Clone Wars: Tales of Zeke and Tomberlin

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Clone Wars: Tales of Zeke and Tomberlin

This series of threads entails a story arc defining the past of Jedi Knight Ezekiel Saska and his fellow Knight Milek Tomberlin, as they fight the Clone War from beginning to end, changing and becoming the characters they are in the modern timeline. The threads are told primarily from their points of view, switching accounts every other post for the sake of readability. When necessary, posts that come primarily from the point of view of their enemies, and even threads that deal solely with their enemies' actions, are posted from the point of view of 0M-N0M, a droid special forces commando. The purpose of these arcs is to help build background that will hopefully aid in writing collaboratively in the present-day setting of the site's Star Wars Roleplay category when time permits. This wiki page is meant to aid in keeping the details and chronology in a sensible format for the aid of writer and readership alike, as well as state the general purpose of the story arc. All threads in this series are closed, and are prefaced with "Clone Wars", to separate them from the modern timeline.

Chronology of Threads

Let's You and Him Team Up--Zeke and Tomberlin are introduced and given their first assignment: to patrol and protect the Mid Rim while the Republic forces muster and deploy. They acquire a fleet, soldiers, and meet the Clone Commanders of their personal battalions and the volunteer Admiral who will operate the fleet when the Jedi are unavailable.

Let's You and Him Fight--Tomberlin and Zeke duel as a demonstration of fighting prowess to Kaligiros and Admiral Cho Zhe'chot.

Worthless Consumer Models!--0M-N0M, a prototype special forces droid, performs its first live-fire test and is given its first mission in the Mid Rim.