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Species File

Species Name
Species Type
Mostly Human
Home Planet
Average Height
Skin/Fur Color

"Mandalorians don't make threats. We make promises."
―Canderous Ordo

The Mandalorians (called Mando'ade in Mando'a, meaning "children of Mandalore") were not truly one species, but a warlike, nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species. Often, they served as mercenaries. (For simplicity sake and to avoid confusion, they are treated like a species in this Wiki)

Their culture revolved around that of battle and war being a source of honor and pride in their community. The leader of the Mandalorians typically took on the title of "Mandalore." Mandalorians were frequently allied with the Sith, most notably Exar Kun and much later as a prototype for the Clone trooper under the power of Darth Sidious and the Galactic Republic, though they would not hesitate to cooperate with the Jedi if it suited them.

In later years Mandalorian Warriors wore very distinctive battle helmets with T-shaped visors that covered the entirety of their faces, which would provide inspiration for the helmets of the clone troopers. These helmets would eventually become strongly associated with the Mandalorian people.

Articles on the Mando'ade

There are various entries about Mandalorians and the culture to be found here:

Mando'ade Characters on SW-fans
Mandalorians on SWfans are rather scarce. While there is a large settlement of Mando'ade Warriors on Onderon, there are also other settlements. Whether all those that sport Mandalorian armor or have claimed to be Mandalorians are truly Mando, is not clear but those who do are: