Baktoid Industries

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Baktoid Industries was originally established as a holding company, controlling the droid manufacturers of the Trade Federation, the Techno Union, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After the Clone Wars, the Separatist droid army was disbanded, and it's droid foundries either destroyed or decommissioned. While Baktoid Industries' production subsidiaries were dismantled, the corporation itself remained in existence in a vastly downsized capacity, primarily as a license-holder for patents and designs for Baktoid products still in use with certain planetary militias and organisations.

Eventually, Baktoid Industries was acquired by the Geonosian Kalibac, and was incorporated into Kalibac Industries as the Baktoid Industrial Systems subsidiary. When Kalibac Industries merged with the Rath Cartel, many of Baktoid's discontinued designs - particularly it's speeders and vehicles - were adopted by Kalibac Industries' new sister-corporation, Ubrikkian Industries. The former R&D subsidiary of Baktoid Combat Automata, Cestus Cybernetics, is now jointly operated by Kalibac Industries and Ubrikkian Steamworks, providing research and development support for the entirety of the Rath Cartel.


Baktoid Combat Automata

The principle component of Baktoid Industries, responsible for the production of Trade Federation and Techo Union battle droids. Research and development was performed by Cestus Cybernetics,

Baktoid Armor Workshop

Baktoid Fleet Ordnance


Baktoid Industries


Starfighters / Aircraft

Landspeeders / Ground Vehicles

Battle Droids

Utility Droids

Weapons / Ordnance