Darth Turbogeek
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Darth Turbogeek is a character name pre-reset of a Jedi Master and subsequent clones.
Xazor Elessar - adopted daughter
Arwenai Elessar - Daughter
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Out of Character
Better known as Marcus, a former Administrator of SW-Fans, former administrator of The Greater Jedi Order and the current longest standing poster. Was originally known as Darth Q before a trolling incident caused a name change as a joke. It kinda just plain stuck. Often just simply called DT by the older members of the forum
Don't hand this man a frying pan if you like your life.
In Character
The original character morphed and changed names several times to suit the actual circumstance as the back story changed. Originally, the character was written as a former apprentice to a Dark Jedi named Callista, as a backhanded insult to the Callista of the EU who came good, destroyed the rotten bitch and went on to become a Jedi Master. It was originally just a revenge fantasy against a truly terrible Extended Universe decision.
The original nature of SW-Fans roleplay didn't really call for extended back stories, so the character was free to morph until the beginnings of the extended RP format was developed, leaving the Jedi Order for a bit of time then seemingly being killed cause it seemed like a good idea at the time. The actual back story and also the attitudes and character of Turbogeek didn't really begin to be solidified until the appearance of Force Master Hunter, a rouge alien who went out of his way to antagonize and kill Force users with various high powered weaponry. The introduction of Force Master Hunter was with the apparent rather nasty execution of Turbogeek.
This unfortunately is where things gets rather convoluted, as when the Jedi Master Turbogeek was seemingly killed earlier in the beginnings of roleplay, a clone was put into his place. This clone was created years earlier by the evil of Callista as a dual set, one would go on to be some retarded evil big scary dude called Venom, the other was a quasi genetic backfire but very Force powerful user with the originals memories and most of the personality. It was this clone Force Master Hunter removed very violently from the gene pool.
The clone was part of the original Jedi Order and also involved in what probably was the real first character driven set of roleplays with lead to the Learning to Cry RP that saw the resulting death of Lady Mara Jade and the beginnings of the mental disintegration of the clone Turbogeek.
Force Master Hunter was the attempt to realign the Turbogeek character to the evolving roleplay format and to wipe out what was seen as a lot of OOC mistakes. Force Master Hunter (AKA FMH) was a foul tempered and foul mouthed but surprisingly good hearted bounty hunter who specialized in executing any number of Sith, Dark Jedi and also Jedi who were wandering off the path of the Force. Originally using intelligence and raw firepower to overcome the lack of Force abilities, the character again changed over time to introduce the fact he was more than just a bit good with a lightsabre and indeed had the unique blade of Turbogeek called Athona in his possession. It also became known that a "partnership" of sorts was in place between him and Master Yogurt, the at the time Grand Master of the Jedi Order. There was also an unusual and most suspicious level of access to the Jedi Temple which pretty much pointed to... yep this guy was in fact a Jedi Master himself who's aggressive and warlike beliefs didnt quite gel with the Jedi ideal. So warlike that the Jedi in question held the rank of Jedi Warlord.
(I could get away with this as official SW canon does list two or so of Jedi Warlords, all of which were a bit.... off centre and usually went bad)
Eventually, FMH came good with the Jedi, asked for re-admittance to the Order officially (despite being in fact a very powerful ally of the GJO) and gained the official rank of Grand Master of the Order.
It gets a lot more confusing again when the concept of General James T. Tomahawk is brought into the mix but lets just say that's also an alter ego for Turbogeek. Actually I think for some time Geek boy was officially known in the Republic and GJO as General Tomahawk.
It gets even more confusing when I began to retconn lot of the story to get rid of stupidity. Around this time I guess I went fuckit and plowed on.
So the finalized back story was Darth Turbogeek was originally from a superhot extra heavy gravity planet called Terraaustralis in some forgotten part of the Galaxy in a system called Arda. He's humanoid but in fact was vastly longer lived and a lot stronger due to his acclimatisation to much strong gravity. The official back story kicks off with Callista finding the 8 year old boy called Marceloi some 152 years before SW-Fans period, training the boy to be a great Sith Lord... who then some 120 years later decided that killing women and children sucked so thence decided to become one of the good guys after a chance meeting with a warrior princess named Eileen Cross and a bunch of warfare against the Callista bred bad guys known as the Vog'on
Basically, the guy and girl kick a lot of ass across the galaxy, decide each other are hot and have a bunch of monkey sex for about 12 years when Callista catches up with them and blows up a bridge they are on, casting Eileen into an abyss and Marceloi barely surviving and racked with guilt hanging off a girder.
Also racked with guilt over the innocent world the monsters of Callista destroyed, he made his way to the Jedi, rising quickly through the ranks coming out a Jedi Master, to reconnect with the RP setting and established stories.
Eventually, the being known and Lord Fire Blade, a nasty bad tempered Imperial Guard would be revealed as Helenais, the real id of Eileeen Cross in Sick Cycle Carosel and former lover of Marceloi is alive, they would reconnect and after a RP called Learning to Live, have a daughter and then disappeared in retirement somewhere in the Galaxy with a bunch of adopted family known as the Elessars or the Lost Jedi.
At around this point the character just got too unwieldy and was thence permanently retired to become a farmer on Ukio, finally at peace with himself, reconnected to his true love and surrounded by his ever growing direct and extended family.
There is another clone involved as well who was killed in Learning to Live.
Due to the problems of retconning and the changes to roleplay that happened over many years, some of the backstory and written story became difficult to reconcile, especially with supposed deaths and character changes. Officially, four clones existed and three explained.
Clone 1
The first was Venom, whom remained a Sith and eventually met a demise with Eileen Cross.
Clone 2
The second replaced Marceloi on the Jedi Council after a blaster shot to the back meant Marceloi was paralyzed for months. Not wanting to weaken the Jedi at such a critical time, Master Yogurt, Jedi Boricua and others enacted the retrieval of the inactive second clone, dumped the existing memories into it of Marceloi, then proceeded to allow it to take the place of the wounded Jedi. Watching for signs of clone madness, the Jedi watched as the clone impressively took Marceloi's place and relaxed as he lead a Jedi life. However, suspicion grew as the clone grew attached to a Sith Master called Lady Mara Jade, but relaxed as the clone turned the Sith away from the Dark Side and to the Jedi. Even when Jade disappeared for some months, suspicion wasn't raised.
The first time real trouble started was when Jade was killed at the hands of Venom. The clone (who had now assumed the name Turbogeek utterly as his own identity) became grief stricken and triggered clone madness, leading Yogurt to have a council with the recovering Marceloi. It was decided to execute the clone before clone madness lead to widespread destruction, which Marceloi did as his alter ego, Force Master Hunter. Before this, Marceloi uncovered the secret child of the clone and Lady Mara Jade, whom Marceloi became a lifetime guardian for, eventually training Jina Jade to the rank of Master.
Clone 3
Clone 3 was grown from genetic leftovers from the Turbogeek clone. This clone was called merely Turbogeek, and was raised by Jeseth Cloak and grew attached to Arya Ravenwing, with whom he had many adventures.
Roleplay of note
Learning to Cry
- The setup