Jeseth Cloak

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In Character

Personal Information
Name: Jeseth Cloak
Age: 72 GSY
Birthplace: Sylithea
Species: Ventisian
Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: Master
Apprentices: None
Physical Description
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 107 lbs
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Brother: Slayn Cloak
Sister: Deceased
  • None.


Jeseth Cloak after the Reset

Jeseth Cloak served as a Jedi of the Old Republic for twenty-six years before the rise of The Galactic Empire. During the years of civil conflict leading up to the Clone Wars, rumors began to surface about his having a predilection for the Dark Side of the Force. At the behest of the Galactic Senate, Jeseth was arrested and then tried for malfeasance. The Jedi Council - citing a lack of credible evidence - cleared him of all charges, despite the serious misgivings most other Jedi had about his integrity. He lost his younger sister at the hands of Anakin Skywalker when Chancellor Palpatine ordered the Jedi purged from galaxy, and - after suffering a painful defeat at the hands of clone troopers - went into exile on the planet Ilum, in the Unknown Regions of space.

He spent twenty-five years in seclusion on Ilum before being sought out; Jedi Knight Kelt Simoson, convinced that Jeseth had never been brought to account by the Old Republic, came to Ilum with the intent of finally bringing the fallen Jedi to justice. In the battle that ensued, Jeseth overpowered and killed Kelt Simoson.