Serena Laran
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In Character
In her own words:
.//.begin.recording.//.log.3891203.//. I have been on this planet for many years. It is known to the Empire as RX-271, but to it's people it is called Dhomanda A'lainn. The Beautiful World.
I have set myself apart from the people, not willing to risk implicating them in my so-called crime of being a trained Jedi Knight. I lack for nothing that I need, and help the Roghnófar Daoine as much as I dare. They call themselves the Chosen People, although chosen for what I have yet to discover. They are ignorant of the ways of the galaxy, primitives in the eyes of the Imperials who have founded an Outer Rim outpost on their unspoiled planet. But they have a glorious and unspoilt heritage, steeped deeply in the land they have populated. They are noble, although they know nothing of Basic, or hyperdrives, or Jedi.
I have pledged my life to protect them from losing their innocence. For now, the Imperial fort has encroached little upon the Chosen People, doing business with a select few from the many caers around their fort.
I live in the foothills of the Cos Bhriste Mountains, the Broken Leg. My home is in the forest, and the forest provides all I require for survival. I use my knowledge of healing to help those that come to me seeking help. I have been blessed by the Force with visions that have helped villages to survive natural disasters.
I have lived in exile on RX-271 for over twenty years. I was on a humanitarian mission to the Outer Rim at the end of the Clone Wars, and I recieved the transmission from the Jedi Temple. Both of them. I fled to this nameless planet, hid my ship from all who would find it, and abandoned my name. To the people of Dhomanda A'lainn I am known as ise nach sláinte, or banfáith.
I am Serena Laran, Jedi Knight. I am nearing my forty-seventh year of life. When I was but two years old, I was taken to the Jedi and taught the ways of the Force. I have ever upheld the Jedi Code, and protected the helpless. I will remain in exile until it is the will of the Force that I leave this planet.
.//.begin.recording.//.log.3891214.//. A young tincéir girl (the traveling tinkers and gypsies of the planet) was the lone survivor of an unprecedented Imperial attack on her clan. I could not allow her to be abused and killed, and I have exposed myself to the Empire in saving her.
It was my duty to protect the innocent when I was raised to Jedi Knight by the Order, and I have never set that aside. We leave her homeplanet and make for **Nar Shaddaa**, the one place where we shall be safest - and in the most danger.
May the Force be with us.
Expanded History
Serena Laran works to bring the Jedi that have survived the Purge back together to a central point.

After Viscera took much of the Imperial fleet to battle an unknown invader from outside of the known galaxy (never to return), Serena was entrusted with the protection of Carida, the home of the Imperial Academy. With only a small fleet of ships at her disposal, Serena eventually brought Carida under the extended protection of Grand Admiral Telan Desaria and what was to become the Thyferran Empire.
Out Of Character
Holly found her way to SW-Fans.Net on July 24, 2000, through the Crazy Ass Message Boards on Ezboard, where her brother Banestone, and Itala Marzullo were members. Convinced to join The Sith Council as a darkside character, she signed up as Lady DeVille. Incidentally the last name was a suggestion by the Emperor of TSC, Itala himself. She has always gone by the nickname LD. Lilaena was promoted to roleplaying moderator on October 14, 2002, and then to board administrator in late 2005. In November of 2009 she retired from the staff in part because of her expanding RL responsibilities. In 2015 she was promoted to be one of the board admins once more, and she is married with three children.
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