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== Organisations ==
== Organisations ==
* '''[[BlasTech Industries]]'''
** [[E-11b Blaster Rifle]] and related designs
** [[E-17d Sniper Rifle]] and related designs
** [[E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster]] and related designs
** [[Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade|EMP Grenades]], [[Nacht-5 Smoke Grenade|Smoke Grenades]], [[Thermal Detonator]]s and related designs <small>(via [[Tarascii Explosives]])</small>
** [[FA-3 Flechette Launcher]] and related designs
** [[RT-97C Heavy Blaster Rifle]] and related designs
** [[SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster]] and related designs
** [[T-21 Light Repeating Blaster]] and related designs
* '''[[Borstel Galactic Defense]]'''
=== Major Contractors ===
** [[RG-9 Laser Cannon]], [[RH8 Laser Cannon]] and related designs
* '''[[BlasTech Industries]]''' <small>- infantry weapons</small>
** [[NK-3 Ion Cannon]], [[NK-7 Ion Cannon]],and related designs
* '''[[Corellian Engineering Corporation]]''' <small>- starship weapons, corvettes</small>
* '''[[Golan Arms]]''' <small>- infantry weapons, starship weapons, weapons platforms</small>
* '''[[Imperial Department of Military Research]]''' <small>(& [[Imperial Munitions]], [[Imperial Droid Corporation]])</small>
* '''[[Kuat Drive Yards]]''' <small>- Star Destroyers and military walkers</small>
* '''[[Rendili Stardrive]]''' <small>- cruisers and support ships</small>
* '''[[Santhe Corporation]]''' / '''[[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]]''' <small>- TIE Fighters, shuttles, starships, speeders, probe droids, private security</small>
* '''[[Tagge Company]]''' <small>- starships and transports; owned by the Baroness Administrator of [[Cloud City]]</small>
* '''[[Taim & Bak]]''' <small>- emplacement weapons; supplies [[Kuat Drive Yards]]</small>
* '''[[Corellian Engineering Corporation]]'''
=== Minor Contractors ===
* '''[[Arakyd Industries]] <small>- probe droids</small>
* '''[[Aratech Repulsor Company]] <small>- speeder bikes</small>
* '''[[Balmorran Arms]] <small>- droids</small>
* '''[[Borstel Galactic Defense]]''' <small>- starship weapons</small>
* '''[[Cygnus Spaceworks]]''' <small>- shuttles</small>
* '''[[Damorian Manufacturing Corporation]]''' <small>- [[Carrack-class Cruiser|''Carrack'' Cruiser]]</small>
* '''[[Loronar Corporation]]''' <small>- [[Strike-class Medium Cruiser|''Strike''-class Cruiser]]</small>
* '''[[Incom Corporation]]''' <small>- a [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] subsidiary</small>
* '''[[Merthyog Communications]]''' <small>- a [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] subsidiary</small>
* '''[[Mobquet Swoops and Speeders]]''' <small>- a [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] subsidiary</small>
* '''[[Sydon Vehicle Works]]''' <small>- [[MRX-BR Pacifier]] scout ship</small>
* '''[[Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited]]''' <small>- a [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] subsidiary</small>
* '''[[Tarascii Explosives]]''' <small>- a subsidiary of [[BlasTech Industries]]</small>
* '''[[Telgorn Cororation]]''' <small>- assault shuttles</small>
* '''[[Frohad Galactic Firearms]]'''
== Products ==
* '''[[Golan Arms]]'''
=== Weapons ===
* '''Pistols'''
** [[DC-17x Scout Blaster Pistol]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[DH-17 Blaster Pistol]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[DL-18 Blaster Pistol]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
* '''Carbines'''
** [[DH-17 Short Carbine]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[E-11 Carbine]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[R-20 Scatterblaster]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[SC-4 Blaster Rifle]] <small>(an [[Imperial Department of Military Research]] design)</small>
* '''Rifles'''
** [[DH-17 Blaster Rifle]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[E-11 Blaster Rifle]] / [[E-11b Blaster Rifle]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[E-11s Sniper Rifle]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[E-17d Sniper Rifle]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[Imperial Heavy Repeater]] <small>(an [[Imperial Department of Military Research]] design)</small>
** [[Nightstinger Sporting Blaster Rifle]] <small>(a [[Xerrol Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[RT-97C Heavy Blaster Rifle]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[T-21 Light Repeating Blaster]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
* '''Heavy'''
** [[CR-1 Blaster Cannon]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
** [[E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[FC-1 Flechette Launcher]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
** [[FA-3 Flechette Launcher]] <small>(a [[BlasTech Industries]] design)</small>
** [[Gi/9 Antipersonnel Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[HH-15 Projectile Launcher]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
** [[RGL-80A Electronet Launcher]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
** [[RL-40 Stun Net Launcher]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
* '''Ordnance'''
** [[BCCK Thermal Detonator]] <small>(a [[Tarascii Explosives]] design)</small>
** [[Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade]] <small>(a [[Tarascii Explosives]] design)</small>
** [[Nacht-5 Smoke Grenade]] <small>(a [[Tarascii Explosives]] design)</small>
** [[RGL-80 Electronet Grenade]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
* '''Emplacement'''
** [[AG-2G Quad Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Ap/11 Double Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Bp-series Laser Turrets]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[D-series Turbolaser]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[DF-series Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
** [[DBY-827 Heavy Dual Turbolaser Turret]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[GA-60s Twin Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[H-series Turbolaser]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[HVs-2 Hypervelocity Gun]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[K-series Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[Me/7 Heavy Repeating Dual Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[MS-1 Ion Cannon]] <small>(a [[Borstel Galactic Defense]] design)</small>
** [[NK-7 Ion Cannon]] <small>(a [[Borstel Galactic Defense]] design)</small>
** [[RG-9 Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Borstel Galactic Defense]] design)</small>
** [[RH8 Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Borstel Galactic Defense]] design)</small>
** [[SB-920 Laser Cannon]] <small>(a [[Borstel Galactic Defense]] design)</small>
** [[V-series Planetary Ion Cannon]] <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
** [[W-series Planetary Turbolaser]] <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
** [[X-series Turbolaser]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
* '''[[Imperial Department of Military Research]]''' <small>(& [[Imperial Munitions|IM]], [[Imperial Droid Corporation|IDC]])</small>
=== Droids ===
* '''Astro/Navigation Droids'''
* '''Security/Combat Droids'''
** [[SD-series Battle Droid]] <small>(a [[Balmorran Arms]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Viper Probe Droid]] <small>(an [[Arakyd Industries]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[X-1 Viper]] <small>(a [[Balmorran Arms]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[X-85 Tank Droid]] <small>(an [[Arakyd Industries]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
* '''Medical Droids'''
* '''Utility Droids'''
** [[AD-series Weapons Maintenance Droid|AD-series Droid]] and related designs <small>(an [[Arakyd Industries]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
* '''[[Kuat Drive Yards]]'''
=== Vehicles ===
** [[A9 Vigilance]] and related designs
* '''Speeder Bikes'''
** [[Lancer-class Frigate|''Lancer''-class Frigate]] and related designs
** [[74-Z Speeder Bike]] <small>(an [[Aratech Repulsor Company]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Star Galleon-class Frigate|''Star Galleon'' Frigate]] and related designs
* '''Landspeeders'''
** [[Victory-class Star Destroyer|''Victory''-class Star Destroyer]] and related designs <small>(with [[Rendili StarDrive]])</small>
** [[Ultra-Light Assault Vehicle]] <small>(a [[Sienar Army Systems]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Imperial-class Star Destroyer|''Imperial''-class Star Destroyer]] and related designs
* '''Airspeeders'''
** [[HAVr A9 Floating Fortress]] and related designs <small>(via [[Kuat Vehicles]])</small>
** [[MAS-2xB Self-Propelled Turbolaser]] <small>(a [[Loronar Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Imperial-class Repulsor Tank|''Imperial''-class Repulsor Tank]] and related designs <small>(via [[Kuat Vehicles]])</small>
* '''Mechanised'''
** [[2-M Repulsor Tank |''Saber''-class Repulsor Tank]] and related designs <small>(via [[Kuat Vehicles]])</small>
** [[AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon]] <small>(a [[Taim & Bak]] design)</small>
** [[All Terrain Scout Transport]] and related designs <small>(via [[Kuat Vehicles]])</small>
** [[All Terrain Assault Transport]] (AT-AT) <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] / [[Kuat Vehicles]] design)</small>
** [[All Terrain Assault Transport]] and related designs <small>(via [[Kuat Vehicles]])</small>
** [[All Terrain Scout Transport]] (AT-ST) <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] / [[Kuat Vehicles]] design)</small>
* '''[[Nubia Star Drives, Incorporated]]'''
=== Starfighters ===
** [[H-type Nubian Yacht|H-type Nubian]] and related designs
* '''Interceptors'''
** [[J-type Nubian Star Skiff|J-type Nubian]] and related designs
** [[I-7 Howlrunner]] <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]] / [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] design)</small>
** [[TIE Interceptor]] <small>(a [[Sienar Fleet Systems]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
* '''Assault Fighters'''
** [[Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing|''Alpha''-class Xg-1 ''Star Wing'']] <small>(a [[Cygnus Spaceworks]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[TIE Bomber]] <small>(a [[Sienar Fleet Systems]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Scimitar Assault Bomber]] <small>(a [[Sienar Fleet Systems]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
* '''Space Superiority Fighters'''
** [[A-9 Vigilance]] <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
** [[TIE Fighter]] <small>(a [[Sienar Fleet Systems]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[TIE Defender]] <small>(a [[Sienar Fleet Systems]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
* '''Reconnaissance Fighters'''
* '''[[Rendili Stardrive]]'''
=== Transports ===
* '''Shuttles'''
** [[Aegis-class Combat Shuttle|''Aegis''-class Combat Shuttle]] <small>(a [[Telgorn Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Gamma-class Assault Shuttle|''Gamma''-class Assault Shuttle]] <small>(a [[Telgorn Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Gamma-class ATR-6 Assault Transport|''Gamma''-class Assault Transport]] <small>(a [[KonGar Ship Works]] design)</small>
** [[Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport|''Delta''-class Stormtrooper Transport]] <small>(a [[Telgorn Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle|''Lambda''-class T-4a Shuttle]] <small>(a [[Cygnus Spaceworks]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Svelte-class Imperial Shuttle|''Svelte''-class Imperial Shuttle]] <small>(a [[Silviut Corporation]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Sentinel-class Landing Craft|''Sentinel''-class Landing Craft]] <small>(a [[Cygnus Spaceworks]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Vanguard-class Heavy Assault Gunship|''Vanguard''-class Heavy Assault Gunship]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Y-4 Raptor Transport]] <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]] / [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] design)</small>
** [[Y-85 Titan Dropship]] <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]] / [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] design)</small>
* '''[[Santhe Corporation]]''' / '''[[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]]''' <small>(& '''[[Arakyd Industries|Arakyd]]''', '''[[Aratech Repulsor Company|Aratech]]''', '''[[Cygnus Spaceworks|Cygnus]]''')</small>
* '''Scouts'''
** [[74-Z Speeder Bike]] and related designs <small>(via [[Aratech Repulsor Company]])</small>
** [[A-24 Sleuth Scout]] <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]] / [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] design)</small>
** [[Ultra-Light Assault Vehicle]] and related designs <small>(via [[Sienar Army Systems]])</small>
** [[E-9 Explorer]] <small>(a [[Loronar Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[TIE Fighter]], [[TIE Interceptor]] and related designs <small>(via [[Sienar Fleet Systems]])</small>
** [[MRX-BR Pacifier]] <small>(a [[Sydon Vehicle Works]] design)</small>
** [[Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle|''Lambda''-class T-4a Shuttle]] and related designs <small>(via [[Cygnus Spaceworks]])</small>
** [[Immobilizer 418 Interdictor Cruiser|''Immobilizer 418'' Interdictor Cruiser]] and related designs <small>(via [[Sienar Fleet Systems]])</small>
** [[AD-series Weapons Maintenance Droid|AD-series Droid]] and related designs <small>(via [[Arakyd Industries]])</small>
** [[X-85 Tank Droid]] and related designs <small>(via [[Arakyd Industries]])</small>
** [[Viper Probe Droid]] and related designs <small>(via [[Arakyd Industries]])</small>
* '''[[Tagge Company]]''' <small>(& '''[[Incom Corporation|Incom]]''', '''[[Koromondain PDS, Incorporated|Koromondain]]''')</small>
* '''Freighters'''
** [[I-7 Howlrunner]] and related designs <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]])</small>
** [[BFF-1 Bulk Freighter]] <small>(a [[Phylon Freight]] / [[Aratech Repulsor Company]] / [[Damorian Manufacturing Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[A-24 Sleuth Scout]] and related designs <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]])</small>
** [[Mobquet Medium Transport]] <small>(via [[Mobquet Swoops and Speeders]] / [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] design)</small>
** [[Y-4 Raptor Transport]] and related designs <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]])</small>
** [[Y-85 Titan Dropship]] and related designs <small>(via [[Incom Corporation]])</small>
** [[Mobquet Medium Transport]] and related designs <small>(via [[Mobquet Swoops and Speeders]])</small>
** [[Modular Taskforce Cruiser]] and related designs <small>(via [[Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited]])</small>
** [[Tagge-class Battlecruiser|''Tagge''-class Battlecruiser]] and related designs <small>(via [[Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited]])</small>
* '''[[Taim & Bak]]'''
=== Starships ===
* '''Escorts'''
** [[Detainer CC-2200 Interdictor Cruiser|CC-2200 ''Detainer''-class Interdictor Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[CC-7700 Frigate]] / [[CC-7700/E Interdiction Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Consular-class Cruiser|''Consular''-class Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[CR-90 Corvette]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[CR-92a Assassin-class Corvette|CR-92a ''Assassin''-class Corvette]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[DP20 Frigate]] <small>(a [[Corellian Engineering Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Lancer-class Frigate|''Lancer''-class Frigate]] <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
** [[Star Galleon-class Frigate|''Star Galleon'' Frigate]] <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
* '''Cruisers'''
** [[Carrack-class Cruiser|''Carrack''-class Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Damorian Manufacturing Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser|''Dreadnaught''-class Heavy Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Rendili StarDrive]] design)</small>
** [[Gladiator-class Star Destroyer|''Gladiator''-class Star Destroyer]] <small>(a [[Rendili StarDrive]] / [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
** [[Immobilizer 418 Interdictor Cruiser|''Immobilizer 418'' Interdictor Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Sienar Fleet Systems]] / [[Santhe/Sienar Technologies]] design)</small>
** [[Imperial Customs Corvette]] <small>(a [[Rendili StarDrive]] design)</small>
** [[Imperial-class Star Destroyer|''Imperial''-class Star Destroyer]] <small>(a [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
** [[Lictor-class Dungeon Ship|''Lictor''-class Dungeon Ship]] <small>(a [[MandalMotors]] / [[Rendili StarDrive]] design)</small>
** [[Modular Taskforce Cruiser]] and related designs <small>(via [[Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited]] / [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] design)</small>
** [[Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser|''Neutron Star''-class Bulk Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Rendili StarDrive]] design)</small>
** [[Strike-class Medium Cruiser|''Strike''-class Medium Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Loronar Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Tagge-class Battlecruiser|''Tagge''-class Battlecruiser]] and related designs <small>(via [[Tagge Industries Shipyards Limited]] / [[Tagge Company|TaggeCo]] design)</small>
** [[Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser|''Tartan''-class Patrol Cruiser]] <small>(a [[Damorian Manufacturing Corporation]] design)</small>
** [[Victory-class Star Destroyer|''Victory''-class Star Destroyer]] <small>(a [[Rendili StarDrive]] / [[Kuat Drive Yards]] design)</small>
* '''Support Ships'''
** [[II-xC Maintenance/Broadcast Ship]] <small>(a [[Merthyog Communications]] design)</small>
=== Satellites ===
* '''Weapons Platforms'''
** [[Golan-series Defense Platform]] <small>(a [[Golan Arms]] design)</small>
== Former Contractors ==
== Former Contractors ==
* '''[[Borstel Galactic Defense]]''' <small>- starship weapons manufacturer; inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[Borstel Galactic Defense]]''' <small>- starship weapons manufacturer; inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[CoMar Combat Systems]]''' / '''[[Bryn & Gweith]]''' <small> -located in the [[Corporate Sector]]; inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[CoMar Combat Systems]]''' / '''[[Bryn & Gweith]]''' <small> - located in the [[Corporate Sector]]; inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.]]''' <small>- located in the [[Corporate Sector]]; inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[Drearian Defense Conglomerate]]''' <small> - blaster supplier to [[Arakyd Industries]], located in the [[Corporate Sector]]; inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.]]''' <small>- infantry weapons manufacturer, located in the [[Corporate Sector]]; inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[Rothana Heavy Engineering]]''' <small>- former Kuat Drive Yards subsidiary (now [[Ouishii Kajidic]]); inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[Rothana Heavy Engineering]]''' <small>- former Kuat Drive Yards subsidiary (now [[Ouishii Kajidic]]); inaccessible since Alliance-Imperial Treaty</small>
* '''[[SoroSuub Corporation]]''' <small>- loyal to the Alliance since the [[Battle of Endor]]</small>
* '''[[SoroSuub Corporation]]''' <small>- loyal to the Alliance since the [[Battle of Endor]]</small>
[[Category:Star Wars Organisations|*Imperial]] [[Category:The Empire]]
[[Category:Star Wars Military Contractors|*Imperial]]

Latest revision as of 21:20, 6 November 2014

Star Wars.jpg

Characters - Organizations - Locations - Timeline - Species - Ships

Imperial Contractors

Imperial Military Contractors
Manufacturers of Imperial Military Hardware

These businesses provide military hardware such as starships, starfighters, weapons, droids, and ground vehicles to the Galactic Empire and it's militaries.

This is not an exhaustive list. For a full list of products view each contractor directly.



Major Contractors

Minor Contractors









Former Contractors