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Thread: Calling all ship designer people

  1. #61
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

    Good but Damaged Goods

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    Where I need to be.
    Stop hijacking the thread.

  2. #62
    TheHolo.Net Admin

    DragonCon 09
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    but, it's been continued at Home One

  3. #63
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

    Good but Damaged Goods

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    Then let the thread die and respect the thread tag.

  4. #64
    Darth Viscera
    Jacen, just FYI, your decision to go ahead and pursue this over the objections of the moderators is tantamount to flouting the staff. You should really reconsider.

  5. #65
    Originally posted by Darth Viscera
    Jacen, just FYI, your decision to go ahead and pursue this over the objections of the moderators is tantamount to flouting the staff. You should really reconsider.
    This comming from the man who manipulated said fleet rules to conquer half the galaxy!

    Sure thats just my opinion....

    But this discussion is not about ruffleing the Mods feathers....
    Espacilly the new ones who are still right out of the package!

    In the end it's someone letting people know that he is building a ship company! It's not worth getting all angry over it.

    As long as he doesn't build a Death Star the size of a pen we will be alright.
    After all, we all pull one out of the pocket everyonce in a while anyways.

    This should be fun and bring some life in the fleet stuff again...

  6. #66
    Darth Viscera
    Firebird, your post is coming off as provocative trolling rather than a positive contribution to the thread. Please rephrase your post to decrease the level of animosity.

    Jacen, I hope you understand the motive behind our objections to your new classes of ships. We'd like to curb the deviation from classic Star Wars ships where practical in order to lessen the dependance on new forms of technology and bring things back to Star Wars basics. If you could settle for a pre-existing class of ship, of which there are many, we would be very much obliged.

  7. #67
    You know, Visc, he can have his ship. We really don't care. In fact, you're about the only one arguing against it.

    But look around. The Rascal King is not a standard ship, and neither is the Skurhet or J'ktal's Shadow craft, but we still use them anyhow. I don't think he was flouting the staff at all, but legitimately asking advice, and got slammed for it for no reason.

  8. #68
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Oh, about.
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    My main beef was the size of the craft versus what he wanted to put in it. yes, I considered it a challenge to see if I could find an equivelent in a Marauder Corvette, but my big problem was the dimensions

  9. #69
    I agree with Sejah, surrrrprisingly.

    Heck, Arya flies a Chevvette77, and I don't even have any idea what sort of freighter that is. Ask Mark, he made it up, AFAIK.

  10. #70
    Pierce flies a freighter whose details I have been deliberately sketchy on, other than to say it has a cloaking device and extended range turbolaser weaponry.

    This is because I believe not going into infinite detail regarding ship components is a wise decision. It backs away from the line of bean-counting mentality, wherein everyone tries to claim the superiority or inferiority of X part compared to Y part.

    My suggestion is to keep that in mind when designing future ships. We're really not so interested in exact specs as we are seeing the ship held within the bounds of believability.

  11. #71
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    I might return to RPing if those scrumptious Gue twins would come back. Figrin Sandwich, am I right?
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    Figrin D'an's Avatar
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    As long as he sticks within some basic rules on ship design, and doesn't make something that has the firepower of an SSD with the dimensions of a freighter, I really don't see what all the fuss is about.

  12. #72
    Cizerack Hunter Forces
    And of course, the Cizerack Pride has a fleet of almost entirely non-canon vessels. Although I do try to maintain parity and comparability to some, I do use different configurations.

  13. #73
    (Alex) Jacen
    Darth Viscera, sir. I appreciate that the staff are objecting to my use of a new craft, and I do, in part, understand that. I'm not going against your will just for the sake of opposing you. I'm not going through the proper ship design channels. I'm getting help to make sure that the ship I end up with is usable, and unique.

    Basically, if you want to tell me to use a pre-existing ship design, tell everone else to. Until then, I stand by my right to make up a whacky ship. If you try and force me to use an existing ship, but you let everyone else have new designs, its just not fair.

    So, carry on if you want, but in the interests of equality, let me have my ship. Its not like its going to affect anyone else, anyway.

    Wait until my ship design is finished. You never might think its good enough to deserve to be used anyway. But please, be fair. All of these people have given examples of all sorts of races and ships that are non-canon. At the end of the day, we're here to have fun. OK, so maybe our ships will never show up in the films. OK, so maybe we've not got the same Lucas approval as other EU ships. But we're here to have fun. We're here to play. We're here to use our imaginations...what's wrong with using our imaginations to come up with a new ship?

    And not only is my ship not as powerful as an SSD, but with the specs I'm working on right now, it could probably get taken out by a squadron of X-Wings, if they knew what they were doing. 4 Turbolaser Turrets, and one Dual Blaster/Ion turret. The Turbolasers are computer controlled (ie. the Co-Pilot tells them what to shoot at, and they shoot at it, as opposed to having a gunner per turret), so they're not as good as anything anyone else has to offer. The ship is weak. But my mercs don't need a strong ship. They need a box with a Hyperdrive that can carry their fighters from A to B, and defend itself from attack as it tries to escape to C. The design is modular, so you can alter the "pods" (thank Marcus for his Thunderbird 2 suggestion ) to give extra cargo space, extra landing space, extra weapons, or space to carry passengers. You could add in another Pod module, and have eight pods instead of four, or 12 pods, if you really wanted. Or, you could forgo the Pod module alltogether, and connect the engines directly to the Command module. But you'll see all this when you see the design.

    So yeah. Be fair, and give me a chance. If my ship is unacceptable when its finished, then by all means, ban me from using it. But as everyone on this thread has said so far, providing that the ship is believable, what's the problem?

    PS. Thanks for defending me, guys!

  14. #74
    (Alex) Jacen

    Go hither, and learn of the wonders of my imagination.

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