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Thread: Garrett has gone too far....

  1. #1
    Lord Dagger

    Garrett has gone too far....

    i for one will take this no longer, i'm going to cur him into tiny peices and fire him into a thousand different suns, any objections?
    Dagger waits for less time than it take to blink
    Dagger goes to dismember Garrett Blade

  2. #2
    Darth Viscera
    What has he done this time? Any new screwups?

  3. #3
    Live Wire
    If he does anything to ariel I'll kill him

  4. #4
    Lord Dagger
    My dear, the only thing that will stop you will be me battering you out of the way to get to him first

  5. #5
    Live Wire
    I dont care who gets to him as long as he is punished

  6. #6
    Lord Dagger
    hmm more pusseling is who gave him access to this forum so he could read this thread, or who told him about it...

  7. #7
    Gav Mortis
    I think he already has access to this forum, he's just not allowed to post in it.

  8. #8
    Darth Viscera
    no, that's only done with mods + admins. If he has access to this forum, he can post here.

  9. #9
    Lady DeVille
    speaking of access, why are YOU in here Viscera? Your time before the council was up a while ago.... Hmmm.

  10. #10
    Darth Viscera
    Oh it was, was it? Garrett and Roul are still running loose, despite Sanis' hard work and dedication to pacifying Roul. Admiral Roebuck is one step away from condoning and supporting Garrett's insane, newly found "The Mad Hatter" view of life.

    There are lunatics flying every which way, each trying to carve out a hefty chunk of TSO space. I'd say some issues are very much unresolved.

  11. #11
    Admiral Roebuck
    "Admiral Roebuck is certainly not one step away from condoning anything, except your removal from this room Viscera," came a voice from the entrance to the room. An officer and two troopers began walking towards the Sith in order to accompany Viscera to the exit.

    "I, unlike yourself am in no way affected by your Sith honor code, aggresion and beligerance toward each other. I have an objective point of view and am not taking sides."

    The two gaurds stood either side of Viscera and the officer gestured to the exit, they began moving.

    "After all Viscera, I don't disembowel fellow members or my own kind when unprovoked." his eyes followed Viscera as he was taken towards the exit.

    "I think that will be taken before the Council as what you did was completely unneccessary, you have no right to administer punishment as you see fit, that is the job of the Council. I know garrett's attitude and behaviour towards the Council is unnacceptable, but who the hell are you to attack him like that?"

  12. #12
    Darth Viscera
    Who are you to sit back and watch as Garrett invades your allies, and abducts your loved ones? He wants to be executed, obviously. It is my hope that someone will carry out this act. Honestly, the atrocities that he has committed would have been punishable by death had they been of one thousand times less magnitude. My only regret is that he has but one life to give.

  13. #13
    Lady DeVille
    "If your complaints are because of Imperial rules, then punish him under them. Do not exact your own justice here. This is no place for people to become viligantes. One maniac running around is one thing, but if we have to chase you down too....well, that is an entirely different thing.

    And I'm not threatening you, Viscera. We have a governing body here to limit anarchy. Please let us do our job."

    She watches him leave the room.

  14. #14
    Darth Viscera
    OOC: just verifying that I've read this, so you can remove my access to the council room if needed now.


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