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Thread: Three is a Crowd

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    Open Thread Three is a Crowd

    Aboard a Y-7 Transport, somewhere in the Outer Rim

    The Dauntless wasn't far from the exit jump, and Dan began to adjust an intercept to return to the mother ship. His passenger sat alongside him, taking in the view. Sacorria was a relatively untraveled clod in space, and the girl next to him certainly hadn't taken in the galaxy to the extent that he had. Nevertheless, he'd had his eye on her for a long time, preparing her for a day such as this one.

    "Are you ready for this?"

    It was a question that, no matter what answer was given, he already knew the answer to. She wasn't.

    "Keep close to me. We may be surrounded by smiling faces, but I suspect enough enemies to stay alert."

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    Like a child, her nose was pressed against the side port, staring off in the vast emptiness of space with eyes full of wonder and terror. Saricia was a mere peasant seamstress on Sacorria, her family a long line of simple farmers ... Well, that was merely an illusion for her family's protection. In reality, she was special. Ancient blood was within her veins and it was to embrace that heritage instead of denying herself her birthright since Mother took ill...

    "Keep close to me. We may be surrounded by smiling faces, but I suspect enough enemies to stay alert.

    Saricia pulled away and nodded in silent obedience. It wasn't as if she knew what to say anyway, and played with a lock of raven hair, suddenly feeling a deep sense of apprehension as they approached the rest of the fleet.

    She did feel small and plain sitting next to Dan in his perfectly pressed, crisp, uniform that was colorful with ribbons and medals - there meaning lost upon the young girl. Staring down into her lap with a frown, she picked at her white dress that had lost its luster over the years from washing and work and felt exceedingly inadequate.

    Perhaps that was the source of her trepidation? Or was it something more. She silently admitted her fear of stepping onto such a large space cruiser; Dan's ship was the first one she had ever been on and this was the furthest she had been away from home. There was so much to fear from change and the unknown, but Saricia had accepted the decision to leave... So why were the hairs on the back of her neck rigid with danger ...
    Last edited by Saricia Ask'lan; May 2nd, 2009 at 08:15:06 AM.

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    Dan watched her as he opened communication with his flagship.

    "Dauntless, this is Dan. Prepare the secondary landing bay for my arrival."

    He muted the comm as the flight officer responded with his acknowledgement.


    As if to acknowledge the obvious command, he smiled reassuringly.

    "You will be fine. I've made arrangements to have you at my side for special duty."

    The Y-7 began to slow, orienting itself to come alongside the enormous Mon Calimari warship. Along the grey cured hull, a sliver of blue-white light illuminated a hangar deck.

    "Take time to observe, and ask questions discretely."

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    Thin lips were drawn inward before Saricia exhaled a shaky breath. "Yes, Master."

    Any shred of confidence she portrayed was feigned as the Dauntless passed through the force field and into the hangar bay. The repuslors whined the Y-7 to a stop, hovering 3 meters over the designated landing markings about, Dan cut the power slowly until they safely touched down with a perfect landing.

    She was fine when they had passed through the field, but the ship vibrating to life had startled the young woman. Saricia had dug her nails into the arms of the co-pilot seat, eyes tightened in fright. The poor girl was unaware that their journey had finally come to an end.
    Last edited by Miranda Tarkin; Jan 10th, 2009 at 10:59:47 AM.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Activity in the hangar bay was at its' normal level as the Lupine stood off to the side, her eye watching as the Y-7 gently set itself down. Dan had said to meet him, and despite her curiosity at what this was all about, s'Il had only agreed wordlessly. She patiently waited as the ship went through its' shut-down procedures.

    The soft white of her robes seemed out of place here, and were offset by the intricate jewelry she wore; each piece brought back from Scwartzweld. Her hair had been left down to fall past her shoulders, yet despite it all the slowly deepening lines around her eyes had begun to manifest themselves. A product of the Darkside, her physiology had given her renewal as well as it could. The change was minute, but plainly obvious to her. She looked no different to all but herself... and Dan no doubt.

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    Dan rested a hand over one of Saricia's tensely-gripping hands.

    "Come on now."

    He rose to his feet as the gangplank lowered, escorting his new prodigy to her new home. Waiting below on the landing deck was Lok. He greeted her with a smile, keenly interested to see how this first meeting would transpire.

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    She peeked an eye opened and saw through the transparisteel to see humans and aliens going about their chores diligently. Saricia glanced up at Dan and nodded stiffly, thankful that the landing was over. She wasn't so naive to forget that she was traveling in a much larger ship, but it was far harder to discern any shifts in flight with the massive compensators keeping the ship steady.

    The native Sacorrian followed Dan dutifully down the gangplank until her feet gave pause, noticing the woman in the white robes. The hairs on the back of her were erect in suspicion and with a quick inhalation of breath, her eyes narrowed between submission and challenge. Dan had told her there were still others like her; Lupines, but they were rare. Saricia wasn't prepared to meet another like her and fell upon her Master's orders, remaining silent at his side.
    Last edited by Saricia Ask'lan; May 2nd, 2009 at 08:15:41 AM.

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    She watched as the boarding ramp descended. Watched as Dan appeared. Watched as...

    Stiffening somewhat, s'Il imperceptibly squared her shoulders back, ears tikking back ever so slightly as her eyes narrowed. Even as the two came down the ramp she could already smell what was in the air. It was unmistakable and startling, and her nostrils flared for only a moment before she reigned in her first instincts. Even so however, the Losstarot lifted her chin, staring past Dan and meeting the eyes of this young woman.

    This Lupine.

    By the Bloodline where did she come from?!

    Her scent was strong, traveling across the distance between them with ease.

    Fingernails dug into the palm of her hands, knuckles white as her fists remained hidden in the sleeves of her robes.

    Without thinking, her body language had become resolute and commanding, her eye piercing as she allowed her gaze to pick apart this new arrival.

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    With a slight look of self-satisfaction on his face, Dan broke the ice.

    "Well, I suppose I don't exactly have to dispense with the first introductions. You two ladies seem to have a nose for that sort of thing."

    With that initial surprise out of the way, he got down to more conventional introduction.

    "Lok, this is Saricia Ask'lan, a person of some talent that you may have guessed. I'm recruiting her to be my intelligence attache in light of Mr. Laprovik's unfortunate situation."

    He looked to the younger brunette, and gestured at s'Il.

    "Saricia, this is Loklorien s'Ilancy, Jedi Knight and life-long friend."

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    Her lips drew taunt and nostrils broadened at the aggressive stance this Lok fell into. It was obvious that Saricia's surprise was mutual. She felt like a specimen, who's layers were being peeled away by that scrutinizing eye. It was unsettling, particularly with the other eye a blank canvas from battle.

    She had never felt so small.

    "Hello." It was all she could bring herself to say, but offered a polite bow of the head, eyes to the floor, to show some respect - mainly for Dan's benefit.

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The initial surprise that s'Il felt remained ever-present, but the Lupine softened her posture. It had been out of sheer surprise that instinct took over her at the sight of another like herself. Did she have her House Brand? Arya had not, and it'd given s'Il a bit of a disappointed feeling to think that she very well could be the only one left who carried the weight of her House on her own flesh.

    Through that disappointment however, there still burned a small ember of hope that this young woman... Saricia Ask'lan, had her brand. It would tell which of the Houses she came from, Greater or Lesser.

    She was dimly aware of Saricia's greeting through the haze of her own thoughts, but it was a look from Dan that brought her back to the forefront.

    Her eyes closed and she inclined her head, hands moving to clasp together in front of her as she chose the use of a rather archaic acknowledgment.

    "Cousin. It is good to see you well."

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    "I figured it was high time that we had some extra help, and somebody else we can trust to work toward our plans."

    Dan began to walk toward the exit and bade the two women to follow him.

    "I've already put word in for Commander Thals to meet with us at Raajaf. She'll help with the vetting and training so we can have her groomed for our new Intelligence liason."

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    s'Ilancy's greeting was crisp and reeked of formality. Saricia wasn't expecting to be referred to as Cousin, but the use of such language made sense. So was it out of mere ritual she addressed Saricia so? Or perhaps her greeting was genuine.

    She followed as requested, features creased in confusion to the term vetting. The rest of what Dan said she was familiar with, but often his language was flavored with terms that were lost on the sheltered Sacorrian. Space travel, military jargon, training! It was so overwhelming and made her head ache ...
    Last edited by Miranda Tarkin; Jan 12th, 2009 at 11:30:05 AM.

  14. #14
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    Her expression neutral, s'Il fell into step beside Dan as the trio made their way from the hangar. What sort of game was Dan playing at now? Someone they could trust? How long had her master known this young woman?

    Her gaze remained fixed straight ahead, a facade of calm over a whirlwind of tumultuous thoughts. Whatever elation was to be had over the appearance of Saricia was drowned out by a sudden influx of insecurities that she was ill prepared for.

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    Dan continued walking with the two ladies, suddenly concious of a lack of any conversation.

    "You know, when I thought about pairing you two together, I wasn't prepared for how chatty you'd both be."

    He gave them each a funny expression as they continued onward to the lift that would carry them to his command deck, and to his own suite.

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    Saricia opened her mouth to retort with something as easily witty but the effort it was in vain. She clamped her mouth shut and stole a glance at the other Lupine, still at a loss for words. It was still difficult to discern if her presence here was welcomed or not. There was no mistaken the conflict felt towards her and doubts began to surface. She wondered if accepting Dan's offer to study her heritage proper and being more disciplined in the Force was wise. Centuries of Lupine blood flowed inside her veins, a great legacy to be had, but was it really worth leaving the simple life at home? Dan had been charming and showed a great deal of warmth towards her over the years, but this other one was about as friendly as a gundark ...
    Last edited by Saricia Ask'lan; May 2nd, 2009 at 08:16:28 AM.

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    She caught sight of the look Dan cast her way, but continued her silence for a few moments longer. For her, it was easy to hear the underlying tones masked beneath his light-hearted words, and the Lupine knew that it would be best to offer... something.

    "Your journey was uneventful, I trust?"

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    "It was. I arranged a meeting with a few local system insurgencies. There's nothing firm yet, but we may have a few more active supporters join the cause. Hopefully, our next offensive will finally break that levee. We're this close to finally making a push towards winning this war."

    Dan looked to Saricia.

    "Then we'll finally be able to live in peace."

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    Saricia brightened and her smile was sincere. He knew exactly what to say to bring her back around and focus on the mission.

    "I hope I won't be a disappointment and help make that a reality." The native Sacorrian truly meant those words. If her unique abilities could help Dan achieve his mission, then the fear of leaving the comforts of home would be only a small sacrifice.

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    To once again be so young. s'Il felt her features soften at the sound of Saricia's voice, and it took the elder Lupine back to a time when she had happily gone from system to system with Dan. Always at his side, always in his presence. That slow-burning passion that he'd drawn from her after Zem's disappearance had only grown stronger as the years passed.

    Now? Indeed, now. Did she still cling to the mistaken emotion she had for him?

    In the very bottom of her heart she knew that she did. Perhaps that - moreso than the sheer deception - was where the Sith's victory truly lay. He made her love him. And it was that which fed this new jealousy. Had he decided that it was time set her aside in favor of one younger? Her only solace was that she was the only one between the two Lupines that had given him a child.

    The thought of Teagan made her grip a small steel messenger tube nestled in one of the pockets of her robes. It was a letter from their daughter. Thoughtfully sent to them from Zem, s'Il had received it in Dan's absence, and had not yet shown him.

    "Peace will come when the Force wills it," she spoke absently, her voice gentle.

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