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Thread: Quay's Rescue Part II (The Attack)

  1. #401
    Argos Ewan
    "Very well. I think we should go to the bridge though. See if we can see what we're faced with."

    I looked down at Ma-thrus and asked, "strange though, why is it you call me and my son the one and what kind of species are you?"

  2. #402
    I looked up at he one and smiled and pointed at him. “Ma-thrus know you. You the one.”

    I looked at the other one and pointed at him. “And you are the one. No, no, can’t say that. Neither of you heard me say that. Not time. Should be another, but I didn’t say that either.”

    I stepped back and looked at both of them. “Doesn’t matter though. You ask what I am. I am Ma-thrus, yes. That is what I am. Ma-thrus is six. No more, just six.” I frowned and looked down toward the ground. “There never more than six. Five today, six tomorrow.” I looked up and laughed, “always six. Six live on Edonaaris.”

  3. #403
    I heard the clanking too. And it sounded strange....and with the sound, came a chill as a picture permeated into my head, filling my mind with.....bugs, big bugs. Eight legs. Fangs. Teeth. Eight or more eyes.....arachnids....great. I sprung into action, quickly opening the cabinets for my armory. I began to quickly suit up, running my helmet through the skematics as I suited up further, grabbing all my weapons. Once set up, I let the black cloak fall, and nodded to Jace, my voice resounding from the helmet.

    "Bugs. Big ones. Maybe spiders. We can't leave the ship. It has to be secured. I'm going to the main exit. I want you to get to the other soldiers, and have them suit up and get ready, but do not, I repeat, do not have them leave the ship. Time is of the essence."

    With this done, I rechecked and reloaded all my weapons, and scooped up some extra ammuniton cartriges, and then exited the room, heading for the main exit. It had to be secured.

  4. #404
    Argos Ewan
    As I listened to him I now knew where we were and would have to look it up on the star charts later to get our bearings. “This is the Ship Eclipse and is a raid ship. I am the Captain of this ship.” I pointed toward Aramis. “This is Aramis my son. He is a mechanic and computer splicer on board this ship. His mother is the Lieutenant of the Eclipse. She is in the Medbay at the moment recovering from an injury.”

    I looked down the passageway and saw Gideon walking our way. I held my hands out. “Hold up Gideon. Don’t go out there. Not until we get more information about these creatures. The one outside the ship is in hiding right now. It’s best to know a direction before just jumping into something we know nothing about.”

  5. #405
    I saw the soldier come into view as the Captain spoke to him. I walked over to his shiny amour and saw my reflection in his armour. I looked closely and smoothed my hair out with my hands as I looked at myself. “Ma-thrus not to bad looking.”

    I reached out and knocked on the armor with my hand and smiled at it. “Is there anyone in there?”

    I reached into my rear pocket and removed a tool and tried to repair the amour. “Your droid has a screw loose. Ma-thrus good with tools unlike others. Ma-thrus like son. Good for fixing things. Have this one operating correctly soon.”

  6. #406
    I smiled underneath my armor. This guy, this creature, thought that I was a droid with a screw loose. But he was right. There was a screw loose in my plating. Must've came loose from the wreck. I nodded.

    "Thank you for fixing my armor, though I am not a droid. The plate must've come loose during the crash...."

    I turned my visored visage to Argos.

    "And I wasn't leaving, I was securing the ship. It seems spiders.....or at least some sort of large arachnids are on our ship. It's just a hunch....I'd like to take a sample for analysis, to better understand a potential threat......But I'll get my sample when a team goes outwards....Strength in numbers...."

    I took a breath and walked to the entrance, and went through the locking protocols.

  7. #407
    “Huh,” I replied when I was suddenly startled and quickly pulled my tool back from it. I looked angered at the creature as I hit it gently with my right hand. “You scare Ma-thrus!” I went back to work as I put my tool back to work and finished. “There, Ma-thrus finished now.”

    I watched as it walked away from me. “Where are you going?”

    I looked at Aramis with a worried look. “Droid not going out is he? Not wise, no."
    Last edited by Ma-thrus; Oct 24th, 2006 at 03:16:01 PM.

  8. #408
    Aramis Rakai
    "No, he's not." I answered. "The ship is secured, did it myself, Gideon." I told him. "And you are right it is some type of spider."

    Just how I knew these spiders were strange to me, but nonetheless I did.

    I looked at my father, "we're going to have problems when we go to find the fuel cells." I dreaded my decision about ejecting them now.

  9. #409
    I walked over to the one and pulled at his tunic. “Captain need not worry. Ma-thrus know where fuels cells are.” I reached up and scratched my chin. “Humm, well Ma-thrus know where one is anyway. One is sitting on my home. Ma-thrus know where that is.....or was. But Ma-thrus know other can’t be far away. Well, not to far anyway.” I nodded my head. “But we find, yes?”

  10. #410
    Argos Ewan
    “Well Ma-thrus, we’ve not a choice. We’re going to have to find these just to get off of Edonaaris. Without them we’re pretty much stuck here. That is unless we can contact someone beyond Edonaaris. That depends on if our communications systems are working, but we’ll worry about that later. The less we try to use the communications systems the less chance the Empire will find us.”

    I looked over at Aramis and continued. “I’m sure they are still looking for us. We’ve hit them with quite a blow and I’m sure they won’t just go away and not look for us. There isn't any way they are going to get to your mother again.”
    Last edited by Argos Ewan; Oct 24th, 2006 at 05:36:55 PM.

  11. #411
    Avalon Aquilo
    Quote Originally Posted by Avalon Aquilo View Post
    I heard Celeste moan slightly and I quickly went to her head and leaned down to whisper to her. "Celeste, it's me Avalon. Listen to me and don't try to move around. Everything went well and if things worked then you'll be able to move around soon but not right now. If you move around your going to open yourself back up. So don't roll around and stay on your stomach. We're going to have you up in no time. Right now I want you to move your toes and feet and see if you feel everything in them now."

    I looked down at her feet and watched them and she didn't respond. Again I tried just in case she hadn't completely heard me. "Celeste honey, move your feet or toes and tell me if you can feel them. Come on, you should be able to do it now and feel them."
    I looked at Afwa as he looked on and shook his head. "Celeste, do you hear me," I asked her.
    Last edited by Avalon Aquilo; Oct 24th, 2006 at 06:21:17 PM.

  12. #412
    I turned my visor to Aramis. My voice crackled over the helmet's vocabulator speakers.

    "Good. I wanted to check myself. Standard procedure. Plus, all it takes is one breach, and we are in dire straits. Or at least, worse that we are at the moment....."

    I walked back to the creature, and offered my hand in a handshake.

    "Thank you, Ma-thrus, it that is your name. My name is Gideon. And yes, we will find it, once a plan of defense is formulated, along with a search vector setup...."

  13. #413
    As Gideon offered his hand I wiped mine on my chest so as to not smear his wonderful armor and then offered my hand to him. “Gideon, yes. Ma-thrus very glad to meet you. Well when you ready Ma-thrus lead you to fuel cells. Well one anyway. Do know where one is , but not like the one here,” I said as I pointed at Aramis and the Captain. “Not the same and not all. Not met the other yet. But Ma-thrus will, yes. Ma-thrus seen it he has.”

  14. #414
    Aramis Rakai
    I raised an eyebrow at the funny creature, I could tell I would get very annoyed by him if he kept on this silly babble of knowing who I was. I didn't like that at all.

    "Nightfall is upon us, so I think we should wait until day break." If there was such a thing here. I had a feeling it would be constantly gloomy and the only difference would be that during the day it would be a lighter gloomy and at night a dark gloomy. I sighed, we couldn't have crashed on some tropical planet.

  15. #415
    Argos Ewan
    "Well we do need to get to the bridge and check on the ships systems." I looked at my son, "do we have enough power now to operate our defences or shielding? If we do, we need to at least defend the Eclipse from these creatures. We have enough repairs to do as it is already without these creatures tearing up the ship any worse than it is already."
    Last edited by Argos Ewan; Oct 25th, 2006 at 03:21:08 PM.

  16. #416
    “Spider creature not return here,” I said as I looked at the Captain. “Knows there is nothing about the ship it can eat. So it doesn’t like, Ma-thrus sure. Oh, except the scent it may have picked up from us walking around the ship. But other than that, spider creature not want ship, most sure I am.”

  17. #417
    Argos Ewan
    I listened as Ma-thrus interrupted and looked at Aramis. “Well, I’d still feel more comfortable knowing the ship were protected. Do we have enough power to do that now?”

    Continued on new thread “Quay’na’s Rescue Part III (Escape From Edonaaris)
    Last edited by Argos Ewan; Oct 25th, 2006 at 10:19:08 PM.

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