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Thread: [WoD] Saturday Afternoon (COMPLETE)

  1. #61
    Fiona Devlin
    :: Time moved quickly as they wandered about Millenium Park, and the sun was setting as they made their way to the Succubus Club. Fiona leaned back in the passenger seat and enjoyed the ride ::

  2. #62
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    *holds up sword* Okay, so let me see if I got this right. The pointy end goes in the other person, right?
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Michele Hawkins's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Chicago, IL USA
    We're cruising down the freeway at 75mph on our way to the Succubus Club. I've grown so relaxed now with driving the 'Stang that Fiona was giddy that I asked her if I could take us to the concert.

    A flash of lights caught my attention in the rear view mirror and I spot an idiot with a death wish zig zagging between lanes. I groan. How is 75mph not fast enough for some people? And if I don't get outta this jerk's way, he's gonna be riding up onto my bumper.

    I signal that I'm changing lanes and pull to the right. A tactic I've learned today when driving on the freeway. Allow ample space for stupidity to pass you up. Sigh. Why's everyone in such a big hurry? Life's too short to let it pass you on by.

  3. #63
    Silas Balan
    :: Balan pulls up in the freshly stolen Dodge Viper and smiles, just before turning sharp right into them ::

  4. #64
    Fiona Devlin
    :: Fiona's eyes widened as she sensed him, then saw his face as she cried out ::

  5. #65
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    *holds up sword* Okay, so let me see if I got this right. The pointy end goes in the other person, right?
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Michele Hawkins's Avatar
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    Chicago, IL USA
    "What the -" I couldn't finish my sentence because I screamed, loosing control of the car. I'm not that good of a driver. Hell, I waited to get my liscence after my driving permit expired so the sideswipe easily caused me to panic. I hear the sounds of horns as we swerve in and out of the middle lane. I try desperately to ease the car straight again but I can see outta the corner of my eye that Viper coming in for a second hit.

    "FIONA???" I don't know what to do. My heart is beating like crazy and my eyes are bulging out from terror. I don't know what to do!!!

  6. #66
    Fiona Devlin
    :: All Fiona could do was scream as Balan plowed into them again, wedging the cars together as they accelerated. He was laughing ::

  7. #67
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    *holds up sword* Okay, so let me see if I got this right. The pointy end goes in the other person, right?
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Michele Hawkins's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Chicago, IL USA
    My arms were so stiff with fear. I was frantically looking for an out. An off ramp, a truck to hide behind, ANYTHING!!!

    The Viper slammed into us once more with tremendous force. My head whipped back and forth, bouncing off the headrest. When my daze cleared, I screamed. We were accelerating quickly towards a royal blue Dodge Ram.

    I grip Fiona's hand tightly and cry out her name before the impact. Everything that happened next is a blur, but I'm sure the Viper hit us from behind again. The force caused up to jump the back end of the truck.

    The last thing on my mind was Fiona and if she's gonna be all right. Which is really stupid. Of course she would be. She can't die from a car crash. Me on the other hand? Yeah. But my mortality wasn't what I was thinking about when I blacked out. Only Fiona. My life. My love.

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