Palara to Eluna in La Fille Qui Pouvait Aimer Sans Coeur - “Love Is Not Pure"

PALARA: 'E 'as told you, 'as 'e not? And you can see 'e is not 'ole.

ELUNA: I don't think it's right. He deserves some happiness. And, I don't know, maybe I can be the one to make him happy.

PALARA’S face gains a haughty, yet sad expression. A slow jazz tune (piano, drums, trumpet, and bass) starts playing.

I see ze look in your eyes
Pools of stars and moonlight
Ah, you poor zing, you are in love

You've 'eard ze tales, I see
Of true love conquering
Of a love steady and sure
You 'ave not yet learned my dear
Zat love, oh love, is not pure

Life is no garden, love is no flower
In ze end, love 'as not ze power
To heal one's scars, to ease one's pain
Zere is no comfort in ze touch, in ze flame
For love, it is no cure
For love, it is not pure

Love is a song, yearning for completion
A wistful sweet tune, a melody for two
Yet in ze end, destined for frustration
For love, soft sweet love, is not true
Merely echoes, echoes in lonely solitude

The music rises into a crescendo. ELUNA frowns and shakes her head, but PALARA continues:

You say 'non, it cannot be!
True love exists, for 'im and me!'
Oh poor girl, so full of 'ope and fears
'Ere, in zis life of pain and tears
Love is tinged with grief
Melancholy, so bittersweet

The force of PALARA'S voice and the music seemingly push ELUNA back off her feet, she wipes her eyes and looks up at PALARA, who looks down at her. The music dies back to a soft and sad tune.

And now you see, despite its lure
Eet is all lies, just flashing lights
Zat love, it eez not true, it eez not pure

PALARA helps ELUNA back up. Despite her words, ELUNA still looks determined. A complicated expression of pain, anger, disgust, sadness, commiseration, and yearning passes over PALARA'S face but is gone in a moment, leaving just the stern haughty woman that ELUNA has met.