It was fortunate for Molly Black that when she rotated out of the Chiss' way, there was a conveniently placed wall. Her back collided with it, just a touch harder than she had intended. Hard enough that her only response was a bit of an "Ooof.."

She tilted her head at a curious angle. "Hello to you too."

Of all of the troubles that clung to Molly Black, like so much static cling to her silk stockings, Vilen was the one she had the least information on. Which made him just a little scary. Her good fortune was holding tonight though. The alcohol gave her the bravery she needed to not cave when he leveled his red eyes at her.

"You strike me as someone who doesn't miss the little details, Vilen. Did you miss the Black Sun parade that just marched out? That heist."

Up went the bottle. Molly looked positively pleased with herself as she swallowed. "That's my crowd. That's who is going to help me get my shit together."

If such a thing were possible..