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Thread: Mise En Place

  1. #41
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    There was a certain level of respect that any captain would extend to another. In her mind, s'Il still saw T'yeellaa Meorrrei as just that; a fellow officer that held the reigns of a starship. Oh, the woman might not be at the helm of her own ship any longer, but... how did the saying go? Taking the captain from the ship, but never the ship from the captain? It made sense in a way, and moreso when the Lupine attributed it to other aspects of life. There were so many deep connotations to consider and weigh, though it was never a chore. It was simple courtesy and understanding. And above all else - it was pure decency.

    Standing at a short distance from Jeremy's shuttle, s'Il kept her features passive and level as the edge of the nose ramp clanged upon the decking.

  2. #42
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    T'yeellaa was again the picture of immaculate order by the time the ramp had dropped. With the brim of her officer's cap pulled squarely parallel with the top of her eyes, she was as sharp as the best representative of the Trade Navy. It wasn't that she was simply making a good impression for Captain s'Ilancy. It had as much to do with her own sense of pride. She'd ask the same of the women and men under her command, therefore that was what she'd also do.

    "Rrequest perrmjisssjion to come aboarrd, Rrou'a."

    Her duffle rested by her feet, leaving T'yeellaa's white-gloved hands free to rest in rigid array at her sides.

  3. #43
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Hands clasped behind her back, s'Il let the request travel the air between them, and a scant moment later she gave a respectful nod.

    "Permission granted, K'ohta'rrou."

    Taataani's eldest was a world apart from her mother. There were certainly a few similarities, but T'yeellaa Meorrrei was her own woman. She was also very military, and while she herself had not exactly spent her life in such, the Lupine could understand the comfort drawn from the order demanded in such a life. It was a realization that she'd come to ever since Ossus, and she had drawn the protective layers of duty around her like the most comforting of blankets.

    Still though, a smile could not be completely held back, and she allowed one corner of her lips to tick upward ever so slightly.

    "I am glad that Commander Akiena agreed to give you up for a spell."

  4. #44
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    With permission given, T'yeellaa retrieved her luggage, falling into step with the Captain for the long walk to exit the hangar. s'Ilancy's words didn't sway T'yeella's disciplined mouth into a smile, but her eyes brightened a bit beneath the brim of her cap.

    "Begrrudgjingljy, rrou'a."

    No doubt because T'yeellaa had been an effective goalie to keep civilian problems away from Akiena, though she suspected he'd admit even more.

    "He told me to not get too comforrtable aboarrd a sstarrsshjip."

  5. #45
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    As the two passed beneath the large arching doorway that marked the border between the Hangar and the rest of the ship, s'Il couldn't help the rueful hrmph at the notion that there was anything comfortable aboard her ship to take a liking to.

    "Well, there is not much to take comfort in here, I am afraid to say."

    Her ship had fewer amenities than a ship half-way through retrofitting; or so she had been told on more than one occasion. It was an assessment that usually elicited a noncommittal shrug. It was acceptable for a ship of the line, and she was satisfied with it.

    "Although, he has spent time aboard himself, and should know that we've no real additional accommodations."

    Rounding a bend, she was mindful to keep a steady pace; nothing to rush, but nothing too slow, either. It was to allow her guest to familiarize as she walked; to get a basic feel for her temporary surroundings.

    "I have, however, made certain that your quarters are acceptably furnished."

  6. #46
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The Captain was telling the truth. As they passed from the hangar into the interior of the ship, T'yeellaa could plainly tell that it was considerably less-appointed than a Cizerack galleon. It wasn't as brutalist as the Imperial decor of Jovan, so it at least felt a little more intimate. s'Ilancy mentioned her quarters, which gave T'yeellaa relief. Her complicated relationship status with Samus wasn't exactly a secret, but the K'ohta'rrou certainly didn't want to deal with the assumption that she might be cohabiting. Was that hypocrisy, or did it matter more once you left a space station and boarded a ship?

    "Thank jyou, rrou'a."

    Keeping an easy pace with her superior, T'yeellaa mindfully kept the sway in her tail a bit restricted. The corridors weren't nearly as spacious as they were on Jovan.

    "jI've rread what ljittle jI could on jyourr sship, and jI'm jimprresssed. He punchess well above hjiss wejight classs."

  7. #47
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    A small laugh as she gave a nod in thanks at the compliment.

    "Unfortunately he is also very old, and thus prone to a lovely array of... quirks."

    It was the nicest way she could think of to describe KHER's behavior, and s'Il simply left it at that as they passed a pair of pilots on their way to the hangar. Both men gave a quick salute that was returned in kind with a respectful nod on her part. Her pilots were a decent mix of veterans and new faces; each one dedicated to their fighters and the Cause that they flew under. Whether they actually appreciated their posting aboard her ship she did not know. Oh, she could certainly divine their feelings on the matter, but doing such a thing was distasteful to her, and so she kept her thoughts well in check.

    There was pride though, when her thoughts turned to her ship. KHER had become a confidant (even friend) in as intimate a way that a ship could be with a captain. There was a connection, that the both of them came from the same stock, and s'Il often encouraged the old thing to go beyond the boundaries that he originally been placed within so long ago. Her reasoning was that both were no longer in the past - they existed now, and they had to adapt. The two often enough spent nights alone, discussing the old philosophies, rights, wrongs, the old feuds, and even some of what little past he could recall from before his first separation.

    Absently, the Lupine let a hand extend, rapping two knuckles against the bulkhead.

    "But a captain could not ask for a better ship."

  8. #48
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    T'yeellaa paused in the corridor, placing a white-gloved hand against the bulkhead that marked the divide between compartments. Her eyes half-lidded, as if she was here and someplace else at the same time. A small smile crept into her expression.

    "Therre'ss neverr one ljike jyourr own."

    She could feel the faint quaver in the hull - the call and response of millions of tons of durasteel against a hypermatter reactor. It had a life to it, like the pulse of a great animal. If Loklorien s'Ilancy was a good captain, and there was no reason to believe she wasn't, she'd know every shudder, pulse, and growl like a mother recognized her cub. T'yeellaa hadn't had children - had no plans for it at all - but she imagined that feeling was the closest she'd come to what it was like.

    "Perrmjisssjion to sspeak candjidljy, rrou'a?"

  9. #49
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Slowing to a stop in front of a lift, s'Il sent a sideways look to T'yeellaa as she depressed the call button.

    Her free hand came up in a gesture of good-will.

    "By all means."

  10. #50
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    "When we fjirrsst met, jI wass the Suun'da'rrou of a galleon, and jyou werre a Jedji rrefugee. That wassn't that long ago. jYou've commanded a sshjip forr a jyearr? Two jyearrss?"

  11. #51
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    It was a fair question, though complicated in its' own right.

    "I suppose that is an accurate enough assessment. Though, before you and I met, there were many years that I spent aboard your brother's current ship. All of that was following the Clone Wars however. After I returned to service, I served closely under... General Thrule aboard Dauntless."

    The brutal truth was often the only answer that could be given.

  12. #52
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    That wasn't exactly what she was getting at, and T'yeellaa shook her head.

    "Sserrvjice jissn't command, rrou'a. Command jiss morre than jusst a prrofesssjion. jYou gjive jit morre than that. jYou gjive jit jyourr kaa'rri, knowjing that jyou'rre marrrjyjing a jealouss hussband. A hussband that doessn't tolerrate manjy morre jin jyourr ljife."

  13. #53
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    "I grew up in the Temple. Our service was much more than a simple profession."

    The doors to the lift opened, and with a deferential nod to her guest, s'Il followed T'yeellaa inside.

    "I suppose that I treat my time with the Alliance as I did when I was with the Jedi. My command and my service are one and the same. It is not the same for others, but for me it is as such."

  14. #54
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    The K'ohta'rrou curled her tail halfway around herself, making a small profile as the lift door closed. She kept her eyes on the door, but her mind on the Captain's words.

    "Motherr ssajyss jyou have a mate and cubss."

    Briefly, T'yeellaa stole a glance at s'Ilancy before going eyes forward again.

    "jYou arren't the fjirrst Captajin jI've met who djid. jI ssupposse jI don't underrsstand how."

  15. #55
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    "I had a mate."

    The words were out before she could stop them. It was instinctive to speak of Dan now, in such disdainful past-tense. A man that she had once loved with every ounce of her being; a man that held her heart so firmly. To think of Zem as such, so soon after their brief trip was - in her mind - going too far. As things stood now, she had not joined herself to anyone. That would come at a later time.

    Of course the matter of her children was entirely different, and there was a momentary flash of grief covered up with stoic resolve.

    "As for my children... they are on Ossus. It is best that way."

    There was no resentment to her tone, rather it was simply a tired, resigned timbre that answered T'yeellaa. Bowing her head, the Lupine allowed the barest flicker of a half-grin.

    "I make time for them when my duties allow."

  16. #56
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    T'yeellaa's ears flinched visibly as she realized she'd crossed a line she couldn't see. The Captain's words were careful almost to the point of tortured. It had been selfish of her to even invoke this line of conversation.

    "jI apologjize, rrou'a."

    Her ears slowly began to raise again.

    "Therre jiss ssuch a thjing asss too candjid jI ssupposse."
    Last edited by T'yeellaa Meorrrei; May 17th, 2017 at 11:08:44 PM.

  17. #57
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    "Do not apologize. It's not exactly a secret, to be honest."

    The lift slowed to a stop before the doors opened once more. With a similar gesture as before, s'Il bade her guest exit first, then followed. The crew level looked identical to the rest of the ship; simple bulkhead lines and bare deckplates.

    "We're all subject to the consequences of choices made, no matter the severity. It is a truth that I live with every day."

  18. #58
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    "Noted, rrou'a."

    With that, the K'ohta'rrou was at something of a loss for words. How had she gotten here? There had been something she'd been curious on - the juxtaposition of command and other obligations. But she'd found herself quickly in a place where she probably didn't want to be, and had touched a sensitive nerve with the Captain, it seemed.

    As they walked the hallway, T'yeellaa's eyes lingered just a moment on a very familiar nametag situated over the controls of one of the simple hatches. Here, as with the rest of the ship, accomodations were somewhat cramped and spartan. There was enough room for the two officers to walk two abreast, but only if no one else was going the other way. Life on a ship often felt like you were stuck in a small town, but the intimacy on Khera'va'ssio was almost palpable. She was surprised that, given the closeness, she couldn't just smell him.

    "jI underrsstand that jyourr sshjip carrrjiess a crrew farr ssmallerr than a crrujisserr of ssjimjilarr ssjize."

    It was said mainly to freshen up the dead air. T'yeellaa had read what was available to her on the one-of-a-kind craft.

  19. #59
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    She could feel the feelings of discomfort coming from the K'ohta'rrou, as though she had touched upon some angry, sore nerve. It was sore - yes - but there was no anger. And while her own reassurances had obviously not assuaged her guest's worries, s'Il did not waste any time dwelling on the issue. It was not constructive.

    She instead focused on the new words that'd been sent her way.

    "He does, yes. One of the advantages of having a ship overseen by an artificial intelligence matrix is that many duties become self-sufficient. Though, due to his age, that also comes with a bit of... eccentricity, I suppose you could say."

  20. #60
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    T'yeellaa's ears raised as she slowed her stride. She knew about problems one dealt with in skippering an older capital ship, but she'd never pegged any of the maintenance issues on Haifa'Iro'Iro as eccentric. He was just long in the tooth. So if not that, then the AI. T'yeellaa's expression turned guarded.

    "What kjind of eccentrrjicjitjy?"

    She'd heard stories of the veterans of the War of Republic Aggression talk about the tactician droids that were often placed in charge of key military operations. The logic those advanced machines followed sometimes tended to defy convention.

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