Perinn Sector

The Lambda-class shuttle burst out of hyperspace in a blinding flash and a noiseless crack, appearing in the vaccuum of space like a stark vision brought to life.

In the distance, the orb of Valc VII hung in space like a deceptively serene picture of tranquility. In orbit however, were the instruments of military might that gave the planet its' most visible teeth, and the pilot of the shuttle had to keep himself from staring too long at the ships which seemed to almost stand like towering sentinels around the planet.

Of course, the necessary approach vectors and passcodes took precedence over any amount of staring, and the man set himself to the busy task of making sure that his transmitted information was correct and the codes that'd been provided were current. All second nature thankfully, and the entry approvals were short in coming. All routine. All like clockwork. All like a well-oiled machine that turned smoothly and gave no quarter for delay.

Which was just as well; their passenger had instructed them to hurry, and given the nature of his rank and clearance levels, that was exactly what they did.

And so the shuttle angled downward, accelerating into Valc VII's upper atmosphere for a scant few moments before tipping her nose further down and cutting deeper towards the planet's surface.

Sat comfortably in the back, Simeon Greth smiled. He'd never been to Valon; of course, he'd also never really been to Valc VII either, but that was just splitting hairs. There'd never been an overriding need to visit the planet until now, and the Imperial had spent his journey studying as much as he could of the world. It looked enjoyable at the very least, and he grinned at the prospects that would no doubt abound once he had acclimated. It wouldn't take long. Not long at all.