"Good. I'll be there in a jiffy." Cannon teleported from his home to the alleyway beside the Jericho Institute and retracted his suit to appear as a common business man should any passers by see him. He walked out of the alleyway, around the corner, and into the reception area of the Institute.

"I am Gary Cannon"
He announced to the secretary. "Doktor Heidegger is expecting me." The secretary nodded. "This way please." she said in heavily accented English.

She took Gary around into an elevator and started their decent towards the lower laboratory that would be the scene for the early construction of Cannon's armor. The elevator stopped, and after a brisk walk, she halted in front of a door. "Here is the lab Mr. Cannon. If you'll excuse me, I must return to my post." She gave a curt nod and headed back the way they had come.

Gary pushed open the door and walked in.