This is a rather new group in the whole award game. In fact they don't even have "awards" per se(only did so in '01) they just throw out their 10 best list in alphabetical order. Nonetheless since they started this for the year 2000 they've gotten 4/5 Best Picture nominees in all but 1 year(when they went 3/5). So most likely four of your BP nominees are on this list.

The Aviator
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Friday Night Lights
The Incredibles
Maria Full of Grace
Million Dollar Baby
Spider-Man 2

I'm thinking Aviator, Sideways, & Million Dollar Baby are definitely in. They've shown up at everything so far(the Los Angeles Film Critics even awarded Sideways as their Best pic last night). The last 2 spots I'm more iffy on. It could be any 2 of these seven....

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Phantom of the Opera
Finding Neverland