It had been a few days since Alice had arrived on Onderon, having traveled with King Varyan to meet with Queen Basillie. Her first impression of the monarch was very good, even though she was still eager to discuss in private their Force gifts, for there was no denying it was the case, given that split moment of recognition upon their first meeting.

She had made the best of her spare time to get to know her new grounds, so she would be familiar with them easily enough, so she could perform her duty with greater efficiency. She was dreading the presentation before the court. Political stuff was Varyan's specialty, not hers. Yet she understood why the nobles might want to question her before she was formally appointed as Commander of the Royal Guard. She would do what tradition and protocol demanded, but she wanted to be able to get to work. Being idle never suited her.

Of course, she always did her best to remain in best shape possible, and honing her secret skills away from prying eyes, or hidden in plain sight sometimes. While she had returned to her first love so to speak, given her military background, she had learned so much while working for Tainarian Intelligence for several years. She made for a more accomplished predator at this point.

For now, she was heading back to the landing pad. Her King and friend had decided to send a dozen new recruits from all the Tainarian system to join the Royal Guard, as a token of gratitude. Alice hadn't been involved in the selection; but she trusted her home world's military higher ups.

She had obviously volunteered to personally welcome the soldiers. While she could have worn the full armor, she had opted to simply wear the red and tan outfit that the Royal Guard used underneath the armor for the time being. It was a semi-off duty occasion, and she hadn't been formally approved by the court yet, so she was careful not to ruffle too many feathers. She knew it was an outstanding opportunity, and she wasn't going to mess it up.

Hands clasped behind her back, she stood at the edge of the landing pad, unmoved by the roaring ship that was touching ground before her.