She might have said he just didn't want to die as much as he claimed; but Astera thought he meant to. She didn't know if it was fate, the Force, some sheer wacky luck; but it appeared he was more skilled at staying alive and bruised than die. It was weird; but she could deal with it.

She glared back when he switched subjects, returning to their previous discussion.

"Well, I might include sparring with you while you work for me, because you might actually be a worthy opponent. Droids are only useful to a certain degree," she mused.

His question gave her pause. She was curious about him; but only stayed focused on what could serve her while he worked for her.

"Let's go to your ship. I want to see you fly. Also, you said you traveled a lot. Where did you go?"

She gestured for him to walk with her, as they resumed their trail towards the docks.