"Hello? Excuse me?"

The small voice belonged to an unseen body, but it wasn't long before Sgt. Entor had the notion to lean forward. Stubby, calloused fingers gripped the front edge of his podium, pulling the rest of his bulk forward so that narrow, brown eyes could peer down at the origin point of the voice demanding his attentions. The Sgt. blinkind, not exactly sure of what he was seeing.

"Ah! Yes! Hello there!"

Another blink, but the little thing was still there, waving up at him.

"I have my transfer files here, if you'd be so kind as to take them."

A datapad was lifted up, and slowly, Entor took it. His mouth opened as if to speak, but deciding it best to not say a word, he ponderously returned to his previous position, perched atop a stool and processing Jovan's new arrivals. The 'pad was set on the podium with a light clatter, and Entor flicked it on, thumbing through the files it contained.


It was a curious mumble, more than anything else.

"Well yes, my field of expertise is what brings me here. I've been made aware of more than a few incidents that necessitate my particular talents. Alliance Standards and Compliance Officer Bar-Atoch, at your service."

Again Entor leaned forward, gripping the podiums edge to bring the small thing back into view.

"You're... a penguin."

A flipper came up in correction.

"Pengauani, Sir. And, might I add, it's ok for other Penga to call each other penguins, but I'm afraid it's rather crass for other species to speak it."

Entor stared, blinked slowly, then frowned.

"Perhaps you can finish signing off on my papers, yes?"