The Alliance Star Destroyer Concordia snapped into realspace half a million kilometers away from the massive structure of Jovan Station. A rare capture from the Empire before the signing of the treaty, the former Imperial-classed vessel was dressed in liveries of white and red, reflecting the Alliance Navy's motif of carrying the legacy of the Old Republic navy. As the warship settled into a lazy sublight cruise, a pair of X-wing fighters dropped clear from the ship's main ventral hangar deck. They cruised with s-foils closed as a larger craft debarked from the secondary hangar. Similar to the star destroyer's repurposing, the lambda-class shuttle wore shades of cardinal along it's lowering swept wings. Once deployed, the three ships moved as one, accelerating on an approach vector towards the station.

Inside the shuttle, the flight commander locked in to a tightbeam comm stream with Jovan, while his important guest hovered behind his chair.

"Jovan Station, this is Concordia Aurek Zero Nine One. On approach with VIP, requesting prime docking clearance."