Eyes watched in the twilight hours of every evening as the strange, two-legged creatures moved about. They pushed down trees, moved earth, and dug great furrows into the earth. They did this during the daytime mostly; when he slept. He did not much concern himself with them when he slumbered, but it was when the suns dipped below the horizon that he ventured forth from his high-peaked cave to stealthily swoop down and watch.

It was not all bad though, as the two-legs brought with them food. Eopies and shaak, kept so conveniently in wooden pens. No roofs. It was as though they had brought him such delicious food, and offered each delightful morsel without car.

And so he'd happily partaken. In the darkness he took flight, deep purple scales shimmering in the moonlight as he dove through the air like a missile. The small shaak herd scattered, but their terror only made them taste so much better.

And then he would pull up at the last moment, all four legs reaching down in hungry anticipation before digging sharp claws into soft flesh. Powerful wings beat the air like a deep drum, and up he went, his prize held firmly and squawking out a few last weak cries for help.

Thus he sated himself.

This night was like any other, the night clouds like a blanket and diffusing the brightness of the moon so that its' light was like an ambient glow.

Circling high overhead, the drexl tipped to the side, eyeing the eopie pen hungrily.