After nearly three and a half hours the Chair was bringing the meeting to a close. The Commerce Sub Committee on Manufacturing Standards had been hearing testimony on the implementation of Alliance-wide standards for the manufacture of communication arrays. It was fascinating stuff and undeniably vital to the Alliance's future but there was a limit to how long anyone could spend on the topic at one sitting. Especially with lunch looming.

"...expect delivery of the report to the secretary before the next meeting."

The Chair turned from addressing the two volunteers for writing the report and addressed the room at large.

"It only remains for the Chair to thank the members of this committee for their attention and questions today, the committee staff for their work, and, most importantly, those who have appeared before us today for giving so generously of their time and expertise. Thank you all very much. The Chair wishes you a good day."

With that the gavel came down, dismissing the nine senators, the various staff and committee aides, and the smattering of press (mostly from trade or technical journals) to go about their business.

Alexi Hesith unhooked the translator earpiece he had been wearing, returning it to the slot in the desk before him, and stood. With methodical speed he gathered up his things. Datapads and stylus were stowed in his briefcase along with a clip of datacards and bundle of printed flimsi sheets. His wrist chrono, which had been propped on the desk, was returned to his wrist and the remnants of a glass of water tossed back. A quick glance to assure himself that nothing he needed remained in the area and he was off.

The Senator from Lantillies shuffled crabwise along the rear of the rostrum, excusing himself as he passed behind two colleagues still seated and engaged in discussion, to the steps down to the floor. With more room for manoeuvre he gathered pace and made for the committee room doors.

Emerging into the curving corridor girdling this part of the Senate Building, he found Lerrick Mondar waiting for him.

Lerrick was a hardworking office staffer with a domestic policy brief. He had worked for Alexi before his election and, based on his in-tray, he would still be working for the senator three years after one or both of them had died.

In addition to his prodigious workload and undeniable loyalty, Lerrick was a terrible worrier. For the sake of both their nerves, Alexi had ordered Lerrick not to attend committee meetings. The younger being's twitching and constant notetaking would have been a distracting presence in the audience and his unending apologies for that a strain on his employer's ears.

"Ah Lerrick," the senator greeted the staffer with a smile as if his presence were a surprising, "How has your morning been?"

Lerrick cocked his head and considered the question, then considered the answer, and the implications of the question and all possible answers before responding.

"Fine, sir, thank you. And yours?"

"Very interesting, thank you Lerrick." Alexi looked at his chrono and remarked to the Galaxy in general, "No wonder I'm hungry. We overran."

He turned to his aide, "Have you eaten, Lerrick?"

It was a little cruel really. Alexi knew that Lerrick would have been down by the doors at least ten minutes before the scheduled end of the meeting, keen to find out how it had gone. Lerrick would no more have had time for food than his boss.

Again the consideration of the question and possible answers before the aide admitted as much.

"No, sir, I haven't had lunch."

"Then I think we should find some, don't you?"

"Yes, sir, I do. May I ask..."

"How the meeting went?" Alexi smiled, "I'll tell you everything over lunch. Come along."