Interested in writing WoD?

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  1. Katarina Gordislava
    Katarina Gordislava
    If you'd like to bring your Lasombra over to London or reinvent him or?? I'm sure we can arrange something.
  2. Thaddeus Post
    Thaddeus Post
    Liam is a pretty non-traditional Garou so if your crown prince thingamajig ran into him it would be pretty funny. I think we are leaning heavily into Vampire stuff, with a side of Garou and a sprinkling of Wraiths. Since we're mostly vamps Garou can easily take over the scenario if they're not used ...carefully. Since Garou tend to hate Kindred and stay out of cities, that helps, but if you/we want to use one or more Garou characters I'm sure it can be accomodated.

    The gist of what's going on right now is that its 2012 London and vampire hunters are invading with the Olympics as a perfect cover. Roland Salisbury is the Prince of London. I'm not sure what's going on in France, but it seems sexy.
  3. Liam Dunsirn
    Liam Dunsirn
    ^^ I sort of meant to post that as Liam
  4. Duilio Vittore
    Duilio Vittore
    Me and my four other WoD alts are interested.
  5. Anthymis
    Consider me interested. I've played bloodlines before but other than that i'm pretty new to WoD. Anyone care to give me a 101? Is there an age-limit on Vampires for example?
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