Jedi Council

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  1. Amos Iakona
    Amos Iakona
    Hang on, who is on the Council already? If we have 3-4 members, and three of them are Serena, Solomon, and Wei... I think there must be people not on the Council who I thought already were.

    Navaria, Ilias, Hob, Zem, Daria - if any of those aren't on the Council, they probably should be IMO. Maybe Tell Cho as well?

    Just as long as we've got enough Jedi Masters to arrange their chairs in a decent circle, we should be fine.
  2. Loklorien s'Ilancy
    Loklorien s'Ilancy
    Having five members on the Council would lend an extra bit of symbolism I think, since there are -
    if memory serves - five stanzas of the Jedi Creed.
  3. Miranda Tarkin
    Miranda Tarkin
    Currently it is Zem, Loki, Wei, Serena and Solomon - with Wei and Solomon currently battling the RL.

    If we go with just five, that would just be one addition to the council as Christin pointed out the symbolism, but that wouldn't help with the current inactive members. Cool idea tho
  4. Ilias Nytrau
    Ilias Nytrau
    Also, hasn't Droo ceased to RP? I could have sworn that's what I heard, but I could be wrong.
  5. Lilaena De'Ville
    Lilaena De'Ville
    Droo doesn't play any of those characters?

    edit: OH
    Loki is a faction leader, not on the council

    Current council is Serena, Zem, Wei, and Solomon
  6. Serena Laran
    Serena Laran
    get out of here, you dark sider you! *swats LD with a rolled up newspaper*

    Adding the three we've talked about, while keeping on the two MIA...we can say we have a rotating Council and the people who are on planet at any given point in time are the ones hanging out doing meetings in the council chambers?
  7. Amos Iakona
    Amos Iakona
    ^ That seems consistent with the Jedi Council we saw in the movies / games / Clone Wars. Not all matters required everyone to be there, etc.
  8. Navaria Tarkin
    Navaria Tarkin
    oops! I didn't know he was just a faction leader. And that sucks he's only around OOC

    And expanding on what was mentioned above, holocalls were used a lot for important meetings!
  9. Ilias Nytrau
    Ilias Nytrau
    Aye, it wasn't unusual to see people sitting in the Council room from a distance, over the holo. Holotechnology is a wonderful thing.

    And on a site called TheHolo.Net, it should be used more.
  10. Morgan Evanar
    Morgan Evanar
    Do what you guys need to do
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