Thread Ideas

  1. R. S. Esalis
    R. S. Esalis
    It might be a neat idea to put out ideas for threads for the Empire so our Empress can include them in her announcement thread.

    • A rogue Imperial Captain is chased down and brought back to Coruscant to answer for his crimes against the Empire.
    • Imperial Knights and Imperial Intel must work together to root out a deeply entrenched Rebel cell on one of their worlds.
    • The Empire enlists the help of bounty hunters to track down and eliminate a small but growing terrorist group that has begun striking their worlds along the border.

    Any ideas of your own?
  2. Miranda Tarkin
    Miranda Tarkin
    Very nice idea, thank you Esalis!

    Once a member starts a thread, I would be happy to include it in the main post within our forum
  3. Jarvan Trask
    Jarvan Trask
    There is plenty of room to butt heads with other factions. Here's a few ideas from me:

    • The Empire chases fugitives to the border and pursues them across it, causing an incident with the Alliance patrols on the other side.
    • Setting a trap for Eleutheria, the force renegades that are infiltrating and destroying Imperial facilities. Or even just participating in the defense of a facility.
    • They could have spies on Ossus who have noticed Eleutheria agents dropping off children there. Are the Jedi Harboring intergalactic terrorists?
    • Damien Kantrael's Sons of Coruscant Terrorists have been striking out against small Imperial and Alliance targets in their black flag campaign to reignite the war. Empire operatives intervene in a ground battle to stop the heavily armed terrorists.
    • Imperial and Alliance spies go toe to toe trying to outsmart each other.
    • Awhile ago we pitched the idea of the Empire, namely the Imperial Knights, inspecting the Tanaab Academy for any suspicious behavior.
  4. R. S. Esalis
    R. S. Esalis
    You gave me an idea!

    • Imperial and Alliance spies have to work together to stop a warlord from using a Starkiller that had gone missing. As well, they must disable it into bits of unusable garbage.
  5. Rolth Wygraant
    Rolth Wygraant
    All of these ideas are absolutely cracker jack. I love it.

    The Eluetheria trap is something I'd considered for a while, and talked with Holly about it. Using the Kothal thread as a smoking gun, it would make sense for the Knights to kick down a few doors after that.

    The only thing I'm kinda up in the air about is that it might take IRL three years to finish that, lol. Let's kidnap Taylor.
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