Kei's training

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  1. Lilaena De'Ville
    Lilaena De'Ville
    Gonna start a training thread for you tomorrow, fyi! I think your intro thread is pretty much done......
  2. Kei Durall
    Kei Durall
    Yep. It pretty much is.
  3. Lilaena De'Ville
    Lilaena De'Ville
    So, what are you thinking Kei will be good at? It's good to pick a specialty, as it were, so we can focus the training threads and I don't have him practicing something that isn't going to be useful - although EVERYTHING is useful eventually. But no character is good at everything, so having weaknesses in mind is always good. Makes things believable. For example, up
    until recently LD couldn't do anything with telepathy/mind tricks/or illusions. She still can't, for the most part, but she's beginning to learn more telepathy due to, well it's a long story. :P

    Anyway, any ideas or things you really want to do with Kei, let me know!
  4. Zereth Lancer
    Zereth Lancer
    Will Lilaena be training Kei exclusively or will we be training him as a community?
  5. Lilaena De'Ville
    Lilaena De'Ville
    He'd be her apprentice but that doesn't mean other people can't teach him things. If that makes sense? If you do anything LD doesn't like she'll take it out of your hide, though.
  6. Kei Durall
    Kei Durall
    Telekinesis I would say is the area that he would be good at. I was thinking for later down the road, Telekinetic light saber combat. Basically using the force to control multiple lightsabers to fight for you like puppets. He wouldnt be to good at dueling others in combat, and would probably take a more defensive/evasive fighting style to give him more time to use the force, instead of winning with the blade. Im thinking that through training, at some point, the lust for power that Kei has, will develop into a kind of dual personality when he puts his mask on, which before was just a means of deception. He will basically lose control but become much more attuned to the force. This would make him a deadly weapon, but unable control himself craving destruction, dominance, and power. This would of course endanger the people around him, and probably piss off some of the other members, he would work towards freeing himself of this other identity that tries to take over, and be able to control it and the power. The downside to when he wears the mask, is that, though more powerful, stops thinking about risks, and basically just goes full force, making it easy to out think/maneuver against him if your that type of person.

    If you think there is just no way to make this work with Lilaena and the rest of the gang let me know. The mask thing was just a cool idea, but not a heart breaker (okay maybe a little) if it doesn't work out.

    Telekinesis still though...
  7. Lilaena De'Ville
    Lilaena De'Ville
    Sounds good! Being able to split concentration and fight with a couple different weapons at once using telekinesis is going to be quite a bit down the road, though.
  8. Kei Durall
    Kei Durall
    Indeed it will be, but you have to start somewhere eh?
  9. Lilaena De'Ville
    Lilaena De'Ville
    Note about RP combat - usually a combat post will be a reaction to what just happened (take a hit, evade or block), and a move of your own. If it's a lightsaber slash or a punch or kick, leaving it open ended is good. You can't say "I slashed her with my lightsaber, cutting her side" or anything like that. If I want to take the hit I will. Also, since you're an initiate/apprentice, you're not going to be very good at stuff with the Force.

    Generally just common sense rules. No pulling a ship out of the sky onto your opponent UNLESS it's a tiny ship and you're well trained. Actually now I want to do that.
  10. Kei Durall
    Kei Durall
    Yup yup! I am just a lowly Padawan.
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