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  1. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Taataani Meorrrei

    I sat down recently with Senator Taataani Meorrei for a rare chance at interviewing her. Here is a transcript of our conversation on...Between Two Interrogation Droids

    What is your main motivation to get out of bed in the morning?

    Asss much asss ji'd ljike to ssajy forr brreakfasst orr a good rroll jin the ssheetss, jI'm not fulljy abandoned to lejissurre jyet. jI djidn't rresst on the laurrelss of mjy motherr, and jI don't jintend on bejing that tjype of perrsson. jit
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  2. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Charley

    (Charley writes Sanis Prent, Taataani Meorrei, and Zem Vymes, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    The original showing of Return of the Jedi in 1983. I was two and a half years old, and I remember my mom taking me to a matinee showing at Bama Six Cinemas. We got there late so my first vivid memory of Star Wars was walking down the dark aisle watching Luke fight the Rancor. It was intense, and I was hooked that moment on.

    Updated May 7th, 2015 at 12:59:27 PM by Lilaena De'Ville

    OOC , Interviews
  3. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Kazahan

    I recently had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Jedi Padawan Kazahan. Once I got him to sit still, we had a very good conversation. Here is a transcript of that interview on... Between Two Interrogation Droids

    What is your main motivation to get up in the morning?

    Hmm. Kazahan learned to rise early from the Rangers' training back home, but Kazahan's motivation to awaken and start the day? It is hunger.

    [Kazahan gets up and finds a snack at this point] ...
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  4. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Geoff

    (Geoff writes Kyle Krogen, Zereth Lancer, and Karkoon, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    My first Star Wars movie would be Episode IV: A New Hope. I can't even remember when I saw it first. I was very young. It would have been at some point after it was released on VHS.

    Do you have any sort of Star Wars merchandise collection, and if so, what is your favorite piece?

    I only have a few books, and my favorite is

    Updated May 7th, 2015 at 01:02:33 PM by Lilaena De'Ville

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  5. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Halajiin Rabeak

    I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Halajiin Rabeak, for an eye-opening conversation. Below is a transcript of our talk on...Between Two Interrogation Droids

    What is your main motivation to get up in the morning?
    Uh, you mean other than breakfast? Um, I dunno. Find stuff to do?

    Do you have living relatives?
    Not that I know of. I haven't actually contacted Nehantish, yet. Figured that'd be kinda weird. "Hey, I'm this guy that's been
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