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  1. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Andrew

    (Andrew writes Reverend Solomon, Kale, Akasha Khan, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    I grew up watching Star Trek - both the Original Series reruns and new episodes of The Next Generation. Star Wars was always the other sci-fi franchise, the one with weird names and furry aliens and ginormous, ugly ships (sorry, Millennium Falcon). There was even a time I thought Babylon 5 was a Star Wars spin-off because I mistook the Star
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  2. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Charley

    (Charley writes Sanis Prent, Taataani Meorrei, and Zem Vymes, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    The original showing of Return of the Jedi in 1983. I was two and a half years old, and I remember my mom taking me to a matinee showing at Bama Six Cinemas. We got there late so my first vivid memory of Star Wars was walking down the dark aisle watching Luke fight the Rancor. It was intense, and I was hooked that moment on.

    Updated May 7th, 2015 at 12:59:27 PM by Lilaena De'Ville

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  3. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Geoff

    (Geoff writes Kyle Krogen, Zereth Lancer, and Karkoon, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    My first Star Wars movie would be Episode IV: A New Hope. I can't even remember when I saw it first. I was very young. It would have been at some point after it was released on VHS.

    Do you have any sort of Star Wars merchandise collection, and if so, what is your favorite piece?

    I only have a few books, and my favorite is

    Updated May 7th, 2015 at 01:02:33 PM by Lilaena De'Ville

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  4. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Erin

    ​(This interview was conducted about a year ago. Erin writes Razielle Alastor, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    The first movie I remember watching was actually the release of Return of the Jedi, which I saw in the theater with my Dad. I was only 5! They actually replayed all of the original three in the local theater when I was little, and so I was lucky both to have a nerd Dad, and also to see all of them pretty frequently.

    Updated May 7th, 2015 at 01:03:06 PM by Lilaena De'Ville

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  5. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Christin

    (This interview was conducted several months ago)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    First that I can remember was admittedly not a super long time ago; when I was around 14-15 I think. I just remember finding an old VHS tape with simple black ink lettering that said star wars on the white sticky label. It'd been taped off of the TV, and there was no telling how long ago it'd been recorded. It was before all of the remastering
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