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  1. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Brian

    (Brian writes Hobgoblin and Pierce Tondry, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    I've been told that I saw the original theatrical release of Empire Strikes Back with my parents. I'd have been less than a year old at the time, so I don't remember that. I do remember seeing it a few years later, and then getting a Hoth playset that I had the brilliant idea to play with out in the snow one time.

    I think I lost one
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  2. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Matt

    (Matt writes Telan Desaria)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    Epsiode IV, as a boy. Perhaps six or seven. I was entranced by the Empire then and there.

    Do you have any sort of Star Wars merchandise collection, and if so, what is your favorite piece?

    I have a a few models of Imperial war machines, but that's it.

    Are you excited about Disney making Star Wars Anthology movies? Who do you want a spin-off
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  3. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Justin

    (Justin writes Wei Wu Wei)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    My first Star Wars movie was A New Hope. I saw it when I was 10.

    Do you have any sort of Star Wars merchandise collection, and if so, what is your favorite piece?

    Most of my Star Wars stuff consists of books. I have particularly loved the X-Wing Series.

    Are you excited about Disney making Star Wars movies? Who do you want them to do a spin-off movie ...
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  4. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Mitch

    (Mitch writes Tevit Ramastan and Halajiin Rabeak, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    I'm not entirely sure. I knew about Star Wars, and the characters, before I ever really remember seeing the movies, as the neighborhood kids liked to play. I think the first time I recall actually watching a Star Wars movie was when I was perhaps five, and it was The Empire Strikes Back, on VHS. To be honest, I don't recall getting that
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  5. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Vince

    (Vince writes Rossos Atrapes, Ben Merasska, and Kazahan, among others)

    When did you first see a Star Wars movie, and what movie was it?

    I believe it was when I was maybe eleven? 1997, when the movies showed in the theaters for the thirtieth anniversary, and drumming up hype for Episode I coming out. A New Hope. My dad took me to see it. I very well could have seen it before then, because I remember being excited about it.

    Do you have any sort of Star Wars
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