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  1. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Sanya Tagge

    Recently I sat down for an interview with the Baroness of Cloud City herself, Sanya Tagge. Here is a transcript of our conversation on... Between Two Interrogation Droids!

    What is your purpose, or direction, in life? Do you feel that you have a destiny?

    I have the greatest clarity of purpose: I live to serve the Empire.

    What is your greatest fear?

    Losing control.

    If all your money was stripped away, and your family name
    IC , Interviews
  2. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Lilaena De'Ville

    [Questions written by Droo]

    I recently sat down for a private interview with Lilaena De'Ville. The following is a transcript of our conversation on ...Between Two Interrogation Droids!.

    What is your greatest fear?

    No softball questions, hmm? I suppose my greatest fear would be fading into oblivion, and having accomplished nothing. I don't need people to remember my name, I need my actions to have somehow changed the galaxy. If I don't accomplish anything, then
  3. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Ledo G. Prent

    I recently was able to sit down with Ledo G. Prent for an interview, and it was... well, difficult to parse. Below is a transcript of our conversation on ...Between Two Interrogation Droids

    What is your purpose, or direction, in life? Do you feel that you have a destiny?

    Dunno bou' alla tha' fee-lo-so-phizin' shite. Us'ally Ah'm abou' 'alf a bottle of rum in, an' wedder tha' bottle's 'alf empty'r 'alf full, jus' depends on 'ow the cosmic winds blow. Neva did a lotta tinkin'
    IC , Interviews
  4. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Loklorien s'Ilancy

    I recently was able to sit down with Loklorien s'Ilancy in her office for a brief interview. Below is a transcript of our conversation on ...Between Two Interrogation Droids

    What is your purpose, or direction, in life? Do you feel that you have a destiny?

    I have always felt that my life was to be spent in the protection of others. Striving toward that goal however, the paths that I have walked are sometimes... unfortunate and misguided. It is a painful burden
  5. Between Two Interrogation Droids: Rossos Atrapes

    I recently was sat down with Rossos Atrapes, for an interrogationinterview. The transcript of our conversation is below on...Between Two Interrogation Droids (literally)

    What is your main motivation to get out of bed in the morning?

    I do not understand this question. I do not need motivation to get out of bed in the morning.

    Do you have living relatives, and if so, do you keep in touch?


    How are the Imperial Knights different
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